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學(xué)前教育研究 頁數(shù): 13 2019-09-01
摘要: 卓越幼兒園教師教學(xué)行為特征對引導(dǎo)普通幼兒園教師向卓越幼兒園教師發(fā)展具有重要的啟發(fā)價值。本研究以8名卓越幼兒園教師的教學(xué)視頻作為觀察對象,采用自編幼兒園教師教學(xué)行為分析框架進行編碼分析,結(jié)果表明卓越幼兒園教師善于傳遞積極的教師期望以增強幼兒學(xué)習(xí)效能,形成恰當(dāng)?shù)慕虒W(xué)張力以保證幼兒真實參與,實施高效的深度教學(xué)以發(fā)展幼兒高階思維。對這8名卓越幼兒園教師的訪談則進一步發(fā)現(xiàn)促使卓越幼兒園教師形成此種特征的教學(xué)行為的主要因素有:尊重幼兒、信任幼兒是基礎(chǔ);教學(xué)中的目標導(dǎo)向性是重心;生成性的教學(xué)智慧是關(guān)鍵。從教學(xué)的角度而言,如果普通幼兒園教師想要成長為卓越幼兒園教師,就需要提升自己觀察與支持幼兒的能力,并在教學(xué)實踐中落實幼兒為本的理念;學(xué)會平衡預(yù)設(shè)與生成關(guān)系,在生成性教學(xué)中準確把握目標;努力掌握提問和理答技巧,在師幼互動中發(fā)展幼兒思維。
Teaching behaviors' characteristics of excellent teachers play an important role in transforming ordinary teachers into excellent teachers. This paper selects 8 teaching videos of excellent teachers as the analyzing objects by using self-made teaching behaviors analysis framework of kindergarten teachers to analyze the teaching behaviors of kindergarten teachers. The research shows that excellent teachers are good at conveying positive teacher expectations to strengthen children's learning self-efficacy,keeping moderate tensing in teaching to ensure children are engaged,and implementing effective in-depth instruction to develop children's higher-order thinking. Through the interview of 8 excellent kindergarten teachers,the formation of excellent kindergarten teachers' teaching behaviors is influenced by several main factors:Respecting children,trusting children is the foundation;Objective orientation in teaching is the core;Generative teaching wisdom is the key. Based on the analysis of teaching behaviors 'characteristics of excellent teachers and formative factors,from the perspective of teaching,the following suggestion are put forward for ordinary teachers to grow into excellent teachers:Improving the ability of observation and support,implementing child-oriented in teaching practice;balancing the relationship of presupposition and gen-eration,holding the objectives in generative teaching; mastering the skills of question and response,developing children 's thinking in teacher-child interaction.

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