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學(xué)前教育研究 頁數(shù): 9 2019-08-01
摘要: 從學(xué)前教育鮮明的兒童中心主義立場出發(fā),教師應(yīng)盡力理解兒童,然而兒童作為人的無限復(fù)雜性及其發(fā)展階段的尚未展開與發(fā)展水平的限制決定了兒童不可能被教師完全理解,同時教師作為人的有限性也決定了教師無法達到對兒童的完全理解,這意味著教師理解兒童是一個只有起點而無終點的過程,需要教師克服懈怠,持續(xù)努力,并對理解結(jié)果持審慎態(tài)度,對可能出現(xiàn)理解錯誤或偏差,陷入以熟悉為理解、以有關(guān)兒童發(fā)展的科學(xué)理論為依據(jù)的盲目自信保持高度警覺。只有承認(rèn)兒童不可被完全理解,教師關(guān)于兒童的理解才有可能是完整的,并沿著符合兒童真實的正確方向真正推進。兒童非任何科學(xué)理論與教師理解可以完全限定,教師應(yīng)始終關(guān)注真實的兒童,而不是在兒童身上驗證科學(xué)理論與教師理解及教育的科學(xué)性與有效性。
Teachers should do their efforts to understand children in their class,which is the re-quirement based on the educational concept that children are the sun of the education system. But because of children's unfinished developmental status and the limits from themselves,teachers cannot arrive at the complete understanding of children. Although teachers begin to understand children since they meet the first time,there is no end for teachers' understanding of children. It's a long process that need teachers' sustained efforts and keeping aware of possible faults and blind self-confidence about children.Only acknowledging children cannot be understood fully,would teachers' understandings of children be improved in accordance with the reality of children. As children cannot be explained and understood thoroughly by any theory about them,teachers should focus on children's real world rather than prove any theory and education by children.

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