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學(xué)前教育研究 頁數(shù): 4 2019-09-01
摘要: 科學(xué)品質(zhì)是個(gè)體在認(rèn)識(shí)客觀世界過程中所表現(xiàn)出來的相對(duì)穩(wěn)定的心理狀態(tài)和特點(diǎn),是科學(xué)意識(shí)、科學(xué)精神、科學(xué)思維、科學(xué)能力等的綜合。作為一種綜合性教育活動(dòng)的陶藝活動(dòng)可以發(fā)展幼兒的科學(xué)認(rèn)知與操作能力以及勇于探索、大膽想象、堅(jiān)毅耐心等科學(xué)精神和科學(xué)態(tài)度。教師要注意在陶藝活動(dòng)過程中激發(fā)幼兒的內(nèi)在學(xué)習(xí)動(dòng)力,給予幼兒適當(dāng)?shù)慕逃С植⒖刂撇磺‘?dāng)?shù)母深A(yù),引導(dǎo)幼兒開展多樣的實(shí)踐活動(dòng),積累豐富的表象素材,促進(jìn)幼兒科學(xué)探究過程,關(guān)注幼兒科學(xué)品質(zhì)的培養(yǎng)。
The scientific quality refers to the relatively stable state and characteristics of individuals in the process of understanding the objective world. It is the synthesis of scientific consciousness,scientific spirit,scientific thinking and scientific ability. Ceramic art activity is a comprehensive educational activity,which can develop children's cognition and operation ability of science,as well as scientific spirit and attitude, such as the courage to explore, bold imagination, perseverance and patience. The teachers should pay attention to stimulate children's inner learning motivation in the process of pottery activities,give appropriate educational behavior and control inappropriate intervention, and enrich children's life practice to enrich their image of things.

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