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學(xué)前教育研究 頁數(shù): 10 2019-09-01
摘要: 本研究選取196名5~6歲兒童為研究對(duì)象,采用測驗(yàn)法考察其執(zhí)行功能的抑制控制、工作記憶、認(rèn)知靈活性三個(gè)核心成分與數(shù)、量、形、空間及時(shí)間5個(gè)方面數(shù)學(xué)概念之間的關(guān)系,結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn)5~6歲兒童執(zhí)行功能發(fā)展水平與其數(shù)學(xué)概念水平之間呈極顯著正相關(guān);抑制控制與數(shù)、量、形、空間、時(shí)間概念都存在正相關(guān);工作記憶與數(shù)、空間概念存在正相關(guān);認(rèn)知靈活性與數(shù)、量、空間、時(shí)間存在正相關(guān);工作記憶與各數(shù)學(xué)概念發(fā)展水平之間的關(guān)系不同于抑制控制和認(rèn)知靈活性,可能與問題情境和形式有關(guān)。教師及家長應(yīng)重視學(xué)前兒童執(zhí)行功能的培養(yǎng),關(guān)注執(zhí)行功能水平低的兒童,積極開發(fā)能夠促進(jìn)兒童執(zhí)行功能發(fā)展的游戲活動(dòng)。
In this study,196 5~6-year-old children were selected as research sample. The relationship between the three core components of executive function inhibition control,working memory and cognitive flexibility and mathematical concepts of number,quantity,shape,space and time was investigated by means of tests. The study found that:(1)In 5 ~6-year-old children,the level of executive function is positively correlated with the level of mathematical concepts;inhibition control is positively correlated with the concepts of number,quantity,shape,space and time;working memory is positively correlated with the concepts of number,and space time;and cognitive flexibility is positively correlated with the concepts of number,quantity,space and time.(2)The relationship between working memory and mathematics development level is different from inhibition control and cognitive flexibility,which may be related to question situations and forms. Teachers and parents should pay attention to the development of preschool children's executive function,focus on children with low functional level and positively develop the game activities of executive function.

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