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學(xué)前教育研究 頁數(shù): 4 2019-09-01
摘要: 幼兒體質(zhì)健康的促進需要充分發(fā)揮家庭、幼兒園、政府、社會組織等各方責(zé)任主體的協(xié)同作用,其中家庭應(yīng)充分發(fā)揮保障幼兒身體發(fā)育與發(fā)展的基本職責(zé),為幼兒身體素質(zhì)的發(fā)展提供物質(zhì)保障;幼兒園應(yīng)充分發(fā)揮其作為專門教育機構(gòu)的專業(yè)特性,科學(xué)促進幼兒身體健康發(fā)展;社會組織應(yīng)充分發(fā)揮補充功能,為幼兒提供更為個性化的體質(zhì)健康服務(wù);政府應(yīng)充分發(fā)揮服務(wù)職能,通過政策引領(lǐng)、購買服務(wù)等方式促進幼兒體質(zhì)健康多元社會支持體系的建立。
The healthy development of children's body is the basis and premise of their comprehensive development. The promotion of their physical health needs to give full play to the synergy of families,kindergartens,governments and social organizations,and build an all-round and multi-level support system for the healthy development of children's body and mind. The promotion of children's physical health should give full play to the basic guarantee function of children's physical development,the professional characteristics of kindergartens as specialized educational institutions,the complementary function of social organizations,the service function of the government and promote the establishment of multiple service system for children's physical health through policy guidance and purchase of services.

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