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學(xué)前教育研究 頁(yè)數(shù): 10 2019-09-01
摘要: 教育戲劇是一種過(guò)程取向的情境化學(xué)習(xí)方式,它重視幼兒的身體參與,為幼兒的"身體敘事"提供了平臺(tái)。本研究以"身體敘事"的概念審視教育戲劇活動(dòng)中幼兒的肢體表達(dá)與創(chuàng)作,采用行動(dòng)研究法,以一個(gè)大班為研究對(duì)象,實(shí)施了4個(gè)主題共14次教育戲劇活動(dòng),結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn)教育戲劇中幼兒的"身體敘事"容易出現(xiàn)與故事分割、走向"表演"、程式化等問(wèn)題,經(jīng)過(guò)研討與改進(jìn)幼兒"身體敘事"的經(jīng)驗(yàn)逐步生成與發(fā)展,實(shí)現(xiàn)此種轉(zhuǎn)變的主要影響因素是教師有關(guān)教育戲劇之觀念的進(jìn)一步解放與提升,始終關(guān)注和跟隨兒童,教師組織策略的豐富化與靈活化。為了建構(gòu)有助于幼兒"身體敘事"發(fā)展的教育戲劇活動(dòng),教師應(yīng)自覺(jué)運(yùn)用"身體敘事"的概念審視教育戲劇實(shí)踐中幼兒的肢體表達(dá),研究引發(fā)幼兒"身體敘事"的條件,合理利用戲劇習(xí)式,增進(jìn)幼兒的"身體敘事"。
Drama in Education is a process-oriented learning way,which pays attention to body expression,and gives the opportunity to children's bodily narratives. The study contemplated the body expression of children in drama activities with the concept of "bodily narratives". The study used the method of action research,26 5 ~6-year-old children were involved,researchers carried out 14 drama activities in 4 themes. It is concluded that three types of problems,body narrative isolated from story context,focused on performance only,stylized action. After researching and improving,the children's body narrative was gradually generated and developed. It was identified that there were changes in teachers' concepts about Drama in Education. They followed up the children, and strategies of the organization were enriched and flexible. Based on the analyses,the following solution strategies have been recommended: contemplating the body expression of children in drama activities with the concept of"body narrative",researching initiated conditions,and using the drama conventions suitably.

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