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學前教育研究 頁數(shù): 17 2019-08-01
摘要: 家長參與是影響學前兒童發(fā)展的重要因素,不過已有家長參與和學前兒童發(fā)展關系的研究仍存在較大分歧。為明確家長參與和學前兒童發(fā)展之間的關系,探明分歧的原因,本研究通過文獻檢索與篩選獲取了36篇相關文獻,共計252個獨立樣本,被試總量為124200,進行元分析,結果表明家長參與和學前兒童總體發(fā)展及其子維度均呈中等強度正相關,這意味著家長參與度越高,越有助于學前兒童發(fā)展。參與類型和文化背景對家長參與和學前兒童總體發(fā)展的關系具有顯著調節(jié)效應;參與者和文化背景對家長參與和學前兒童語言發(fā)展的關系具有顯著調節(jié)效應;參與類型、參與者和文化背景對家長參與和學前兒童社會性發(fā)展的關系具有顯著調節(jié)效應;參與類型、參與者、文化背景對家長參與和學前兒童數(shù)學發(fā)展及一般發(fā)展的關系不具有顯著調節(jié)效應,測量工具對家長參與和學前兒童各子維度發(fā)展的關系不具有顯著調節(jié)效應。未來相關研究應更為關注家長參與的深度和質量,而不僅僅是家長參與的廣度和類型;相關實踐應以法為先,支持和保障家長參與的量與質,提升教師家園共育能力,努力構建實踐共同體,培育一體化的共育文化。
Parental involvement is one of the core elements that affect the development of preschool children. There are still great differences in the findings on the relationship between parental involvement and preschool children development. In order to clarify the relationship and analyze the reasons for the differences, the meta-analysis is carried out. Through literature retrieval and screening, 36 literature works were obtained,which included a total of 252 independent samples and 124,200 participants. The research results show that parental involvement is moderately correlated with the overall development of preschool children and its sub-dimensions,indicating that the higher the parent involvement,the better the children develop. The type of involvement and cultural background have significant moderating effects on the relationship between parental involvement and the overall development of preschool children,while the participants and measuring tools have no significant moderating effects. The participants and cultural background have significant moderating effects on the relationship between parental involvement and the language development of preschool children,the type of involvement, participants and cultural background have significant moderating effects on the relationship between parental involvement and the social development of preschool children,while the type of involvement,participants and cultural background have no significant moderating effects on the mathematics and general development,the measuring tools have no significant moderating effect on the development of sub-dimensions. These results highlight the realistic requirements for changing the focus from the breadth and type of parental involvement to the depth and quality of parental involvement. Therefore,the kindergarten,college,community and the government should be coordinated to improve teachers' ability of co-education and focus on the quality of co-education;construct community of practice and foster integrated culture;put the law first and ensure the quality and quantity of parental involvement.

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