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教育學(xué)報(bào) 頁(yè)數(shù): 9 2019-08-25
摘要: 批判性思維是一種以否定之否定為核心內(nèi)質(zhì),基于人與世界的否定性統(tǒng)一關(guān)系、人的否定性精神特征的認(rèn)知能力。控制取向、求齊取向與結(jié)果取向的教育約束了兒童的否定性精神發(fā)展,限制了兒童思維發(fā)展的多樣性與可能性,抑制了兒童批判性思維的形成?;趦和姆穸ㄐ跃裉卣髋c兒童年齡特征,以情境創(chuàng)設(shè)、邏輯引導(dǎo)、對(duì)話省思為基本維度的教學(xué)策略更符合兒童的思維發(fā)展規(guī)律,同時(shí)為兒童思維的發(fā)展與批判性思維的培養(yǎng)提供了向標(biāo)。
Critical thinking is a kind of cognitive ability with double negation as the essential core; it is based on the negative unified relationship between human beings and the world, and the negative spiritual characteristics of human beings. The education that aims to control children and produce similar children, and that attends to achievements restricts children's development of negation, limits the diversity and possibility of children's thinking development, and restrains the formation of children's critical thinking. The teaching strategies using the basic dimensions of creating situations, logical guidance, and dialogue and reflection are based on children's negation mental characteristics and children's age characteristics and are more in line with the law of children's thinking development. At the same time, it can provide a direction for the development of children's thinking and the cultivation of critical thinking.

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