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學(xué)前教育研究 頁數(shù): 10 2019-08-01
摘要: 從現(xiàn)象學(xué)視角出發(fā),兒童生活世界既包括兒童當(dāng)下狀況及體驗,又包括兒童當(dāng)下狀況及體驗的發(fā)生境域,兒童被置于生活世界的中心,這為深度理解兒童提供了一條獨特的認(rèn)識路徑。但是,僅有現(xiàn)象學(xué)的視角,還難以很好地回應(yīng)兒童的現(xiàn)實人生,會缺少對兒童現(xiàn)實生活外在關(guān)系的把握。童年社會學(xué)強調(diào)兒童的主體地位,重視兒童本體視角,關(guān)注兒童現(xiàn)實人生,能夠彌補現(xiàn)象學(xué)視角的不足,因此有必要融合現(xiàn)象學(xué)與童年社會學(xué)視角,將鄉(xiāng)村兒童生活時間與空間、鄉(xiāng)村兒童生活互動與關(guān)系、鄉(xiāng)村兒童文化置入兒童生活世界的兩層含義之中,拓展兒童生活世界的研究內(nèi)容和方法維度,發(fā)掘一種"自下而上"的鄉(xiāng)村兒童本體視角,為探尋鄉(xiāng)村兒童生命存在意義、深度理解鄉(xiāng)村兒童提供一條更為合理的認(rèn)識路徑。
From the perspective of phenomenology, children's life world refers to the complete demonstration of children's meaning, which includes not only the current situation and experience of children,but also the occurrence of children's current situation and experience. Children's life world places children at the center of life world,which provides a unique way of understanding children deeply.However,the children's life world shows insufficient understanding of the external relationship of children's real life,and it is difficult to respond to children's real life well. Childhood sociology,which interacts with phenomenological perspective,emphasizes children's subjectivity and ontological perspective. At the same time,the attention of childhood sociology to children's real life can make up for the insufficiency of phenomenological perspective. Based on this, this study integrates phenomenological and childhood sociological perspectives,puts rural children's life time and space,interpersonal interaction and relationship of rural children and rural children's culture into the two meanings of children's life world,expands the content and method dimensions of children's life world,and explores a"bottom-up"perspective of rural children's ontology. This study provides a more reasonably cognitional path for exploring the meaning of rural children's life and understanding them deeply.

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