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教師教育研究 頁數(shù): 8 2019-09-15
摘要: 本研究選取北京、上海、浙江三地120名幼兒園教師作為研究對象,通過測評、問卷和訪談相結(jié)合的方法,采用描述統(tǒng)計、相關(guān)分析、回歸分析等探索幼兒園教師數(shù)學教學信念、領(lǐng)域教學知識和教學行為的現(xiàn)狀及三者間的關(guān)系。研究發(fā)現(xiàn),幼兒園教師數(shù)學教學信念與教學行為總體呈弱相關(guān);教師數(shù)學教學信念與領(lǐng)域教學知識在若干維度有一定相關(guān);教師數(shù)學領(lǐng)域教學知識與教學行為總體有相關(guān),尤其是"教育支持"維度與數(shù)學領(lǐng)域教學知識三維度均相關(guān);幼兒園教師領(lǐng)域教學知識中的"教育對象"知識在其教學信念向教學行為的轉(zhuǎn)換中具有中介作用。最后,研究者從關(guān)注"兒童立場",加強教師領(lǐng)域教學知識培訓;關(guān)注"實踐智慧",聚焦教師產(chǎn)出性、策略性知識和能力提升以及關(guān)注"內(nèi)化與生成",建立學習共同體成長機制三方面提出了研究建議。
120 preschool teachers from Beijing, Shanghai and Zhejiang have been chosen as research objects. The research takes advantage of descriptive statistic, correlate analysis and regression analysis to investigate the situation of preschool teachers' mathematical teaching beliefs, pedagogical content knowledge(PCK) and teaching behaviors and the relationship among them. The study found that the teachers' mathematical teaching beliefs were weakly correlated with the teaching behaviors; the teachers' mathematical teaching beliefs were correlated with the PCK in several dimensions; the teachers' mathematical PCK were correlated with the teaching behaviors, especially the ‘Instructional Support' dimension was correlated with the three dimensions of PCK; WHO dimension of PCK was a mediator effect between the teachers' teaching beliefs and behaviors. At the end of this study, the researchers put forward three researching suggestions:(1) Pay attention to ‘childrenposition', strengthen the teachers' PCK training.(2) Pay attention to ‘practical intelligence', focus on teacher's productivity, strategic knowledge and ability improvement.(3) Pay attention to ‘internalization and generation', establish a learning community growth mechanism.

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