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天津體育學(xué)院學(xué)報(bào) 頁數(shù): 7 2019-09-27 08:51
摘要: 目的:采用定量與定性相結(jié)合的方法分析3~6歲幼兒縱跳動(dòng)作發(fā)展水平,探討年齡、月齡與縱跳動(dòng)作發(fā)展、身體形態(tài)發(fā)育的相關(guān)性,進(jìn)一步豐富幼兒動(dòng)作發(fā)展內(nèi)容研究。方法:選取嘉興市某幼兒園3~6歲幼兒185名。采用縱跳測(cè)試儀測(cè)量下蹲跳跳躍高度(CMJ-H)、足底開關(guān)測(cè)量連續(xù)反彈跳跳躍高度(RJ-H)和著地時(shí)間(RJ-T),并計(jì)算反彈跳指數(shù)(RJ-index);測(cè)量幼兒身體形態(tài)參數(shù),采用方差分析比較不同年齡段間的縱跳動(dòng)作發(fā)展和形態(tài)參數(shù)的差異,對(duì)其進(jìn)行皮爾森相關(guān)分析。結(jié)果:(1)身體形態(tài)、CMJ-H和RJ-index逐年增長(zhǎng),RJ-index的增大是由于RJ-H的增加所致;(2)根據(jù)與月齡回歸直線殘差的±1SD將下蹲跳和反彈跳動(dòng)作的發(fā)育類型分為優(yōu)先群、均衡群和遲緩群,男幼兒和女幼兒中均衡群的人數(shù)在50個(gè)月齡以后明顯增加(P<0.05),男幼兒中的優(yōu)先群和女幼兒中的遲緩群的人數(shù)均明顯增加(P<0.05);(3)優(yōu)先群的RJ-H明顯高于均衡群和遲緩群(P<0.05),而RJ-T明顯短于均衡群和遲緩群(P<0.05),另外,3組群間形態(tài)特征無顯著性差異(P>0.05)。結(jié)論:3~6歲幼兒身體形態(tài)、縱跳動(dòng)作發(fā)展水平隨著年齡和月齡的增長(zhǎng),均呈現(xiàn)增長(zhǎng)的趨勢(shì);跳躍高度的增加是反彈跳發(fā)展水平提高的重要原因,且反彈跳指數(shù)與下蹲跳跳躍高度間存在顯著性正相關(guān);50個(gè)月齡(約4周歲)以后,縱跳動(dòng)作發(fā)展水平開始出現(xiàn)個(gè)體差異,優(yōu)先發(fā)展的幼兒具有較高的反彈跳指數(shù)值;建議從4周歲開始,鼓勵(lì)幼兒積極參加跑跳結(jié)合的體育游戲,促進(jìn)其身體形態(tài)發(fā)育的同時(shí),提高縱跳動(dòng)作發(fā)展水平。
Object:This research analyzed 3-6 years old children vertical jump by qualitative and quantitative methods,and discussed 3-6 years old children vertical jump development characteristics and correlation with age and month age and vertical jump development,body morphological,and further enrich the research on content of young children's action development. Method:185 children aged 3-6 were selected as study objects from a kindergarten in Jiaxing. CMJ jumping height(CMJ-H)was measured by vertical jump tester,and RJ jumping height(RJ-H)and ground contact time(RJ-T)was measured by foot switches,and rebound Jump index(RJ-index)is calculated;body morphological parameter was measured,ANOVA was used to analyze the differences of vertical jump ability and body morphological parameters among development stages,and Pearson correlation analysis was carried out. Results:1)CMJ jumping height and RJ-index increased with age,development of RJ-index depend on the increase in jumping height;2)CMJ and RJ ability development types were classified into good,equal and poor groups. the number of equal groups increased significantly after 50 months in boys and girls(p<0.05). for boys,the number of individuals in the good group increased significantly after 50 months,whereas for girls,the number of individuals in the poor group increased significantly after 50 months(p<0.05). 3)The good group showed a significantly higher jumping height and shorter ground contact time than the other 2 groups(p<0.05),moreover,there were no significantly among 3 group in body morphological parameter. Conclusions:The development level of body shape and vertical jump of 3-6-yearold children shows an increasing trend with the increase of age and months,and the increase of jump height is an important reason for the improvement of rebound development level. There was a significant positive correlation between rebound index and the height of squat jump;after 50 months old(about 4 years old)the development level of vertical jump starts to appear individual difference,the preferential development young child has the high value of rebound jump index;it is suggested that from the 50 months(about 4 year old),the young child should be encouraged to participate in the sports game which combine runs and jump at the same time. It can promote the development of its body shape and raise the level of its vertical jump.

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