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外國中小學教育 頁數(shù): 11 2019-07-08
摘要: 兒童是每一個家庭的希望,也是民族振興的未來。實施兼顧公平與優(yōu)質的學前教育免費政策已經成為國際發(fā)展趨勢。基于各類學前教育效果研究,許多國家把兒童看作國家的財富,大幅提高學前教育財政投入,推動學前教育免費。研究也表明,只有優(yōu)質學前教育才具有重大干預價值,可以彌補經濟差異帶來的社會不公。因此,各國積極提升免費教育質量,降低師幼比例,制定學前教育國家課程標準。為了每一個中國兒童的幸福生活與美好未來,我國政府也應積極推進學前一年免費教育,大力發(fā)展高質量的普惠性學前教育,讓每個兒童和家庭共享發(fā)展成果。
Child is the hope of every family and the future of our society. The implement of free early childhood education(ECE) policies have already been the international trend. Based on the various types of ECE effects studies, many countries regard children as their national wealth, substantially increase financial input in ECE, and promote free ECE education. Research also shows that only high quality ECE has significant intervention value and can make up for the social injustice caused by economic differences. Therefore, international countries actively improve the quality of free education, reduce the proportion of teachers and children, and formulate national curriculum standards for preschool education. In order to ensure a happy life and a bright future for every Chinese child, the Chinese government should also actively promote one-year free ECE and vigorously develop high-quality universal ECE, so that every child and family can share the fruits of development.

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