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教育科學(xué) 頁(yè)數(shù): 8 2019-06-20
摘要: 建國(guó)70年以來(lái)我國(guó)城市學(xué)前教育供給制度變遷歷程是一個(gè)典型的由增量變遷帶動(dòng)存量變遷的漸進(jìn)式制度變遷過(guò)程,城市學(xué)前教育供給性質(zhì)逐漸從"單位供給的福利"趨近"市場(chǎng)供給的商品",目前正在轉(zhuǎn)向"多元供給的公共服務(wù)"?;谛轮贫冉?jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)分析制度變遷的演進(jìn)邏輯,發(fā)現(xiàn)經(jīng)濟(jì)體制變遷僅是其外部誘因,市場(chǎng)、單位、政府等不同主體的利益尋求是其內(nèi)在動(dòng)力,政府是決定制度變遷方向的重要主體,過(guò)度依賴(lài)市場(chǎng)是其明顯的路徑依賴(lài)。因此,要保障制度變遷朝著公益普惠方向,未來(lái)需要政府承擔(dān)利益協(xié)調(diào)者角色,提升制度需求者參與程度,加強(qiáng)政府對(duì)市場(chǎng)的引導(dǎo)與監(jiān)管。
Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the supply institutional change in Chinese urban preschool education has been a typical gradual change process, during which the stock change is driven by incremental change. The nature of the Urban Preschool Education is from "Danwei-supply welfare" to "market-supply commodity" and "muti-supply public service". Based On an analysis of New Institutional Economic, it finds that the external incentive of institutional change is Economic System Change, the revenue maximization of government, Danwei and market is the fundamental force, and the government is the most important part which determine the direction of institutional change, and the government's excessively dependence on the market supply is the path dependence of institutional change. It suggests the government should take responsibility of interest coordination, and the participation degree of parents and teachers should be promoted to ensure their profits. Meanwhile the governmental supervision and guide is indispensable on the base of muti-supply.

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