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中國經(jīng)濟(jì)問題 頁數(shù): 13 2019-09-20
摘要: 本文基于CEPS2013-2014調(diào)查數(shù)據(jù),使用傾向性得分匹配(PSM)方法檢驗(yàn)了幼兒園教育對學(xué)生初中階段成績的影響。我們發(fā)現(xiàn):幼兒園教育會促進(jìn)初中階段成績提高1.14%,或大約0.1個(gè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)差;上幼兒園對初中階段的語文和數(shù)學(xué)成績的影響高于對英語成績的影響。進(jìn)一步異質(zhì)性分析表明,因?yàn)榈赜?、性別、是否是獨(dú)生子女等因素的差異,幼兒園教育對初中成績的影響不同:越靠近城市中心,上幼兒園對孩子初中成績的提升作用越強(qiáng);上幼兒園對男生的參與者處理效應(yīng)比對女生低28.6%,對獨(dú)生子女的參與者處理效應(yīng)比非獨(dú)生子女高76.5%,對九年級學(xué)生的參與者處理效應(yīng)弱于七年級學(xué)生。
In the current paper we use PSM to study the impact of kindergarten education on students' middle school performance, on the basis of CEPS 2013-2014 survey data. We find that to attend kindergarten can generate significant positive effect on students' overall performance in middle school, specifically, the average performance of the middle school students who have attended kindergarten is 1.14%(0.1 standard deviation) higher than that the average performance of those students who have not attended kindergarten; and the impacts of kindergarten education on middle school students' performance in Chinese and Mathematics are stronger than on their performance in English. Moreover, the impact of kindergarten education on students' middle school performance varies with the students' location, gender, whether he or she is the only child in his or her family, and the time interval between kindergarten and middle school. Specifically: the closer to the city center, the stronger the effect of kindergarten on students' middle school performance; the effect on boy participants is 28.6% lower than that on girl participants; the effect on the only-child is 76.5% higher than that on the non-only child; the effect on the Grade 9 students is weaker than that on the Grade 7 students. We finally propose a few policy suggestions on the basis of our research results.

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