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湖南師范大學(xué)教育科學(xué)學(xué)報(bào) 頁(yè)數(shù): 8 2019-07-16 13:36
摘要: 大力推進(jìn)普惠性學(xué)前教育公共服務(wù)體系建設(shè)是我國(guó)重要的教育戰(zhàn)略工程。近年,圍繞"保基本、廣覆蓋、有質(zhì)量"的根本任務(wù),我們?nèi)〉昧艘恍┩黄菩赃M(jìn)展與成績(jī),但"入園難、入園貴"的現(xiàn)象還未得到根本解決。借助ROST-CM6.0數(shù)據(jù)挖掘系統(tǒng)軟件的分析,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)學(xué)前教育公共服務(wù)體系建設(shè)存在六大突出問(wèn)題:一是"入園難、入園貴"問(wèn)題未得到根本解決;二是個(gè)別地方政府對(duì)學(xué)前教育政策存在誤讀現(xiàn)象;三是學(xué)前教育的均衡發(fā)展依然面臨嚴(yán)峻挑戰(zhàn);四是各級(jí)政府的學(xué)前教育行政治理能力需進(jìn)一步提升,部門(mén)間協(xié)同機(jī)制需盡快建立;五是對(duì)普惠性學(xué)前教育公共服務(wù)體系建設(shè)中的難點(diǎn)、痛點(diǎn),以及亟待解決的問(wèn)題,缺乏積極有效的應(yīng)對(duì)策略;六是隨著一些表層、局部問(wèn)題的逐漸解決,全局性、根本性的問(wèn)題顯現(xiàn),需要我們進(jìn)行系統(tǒng)設(shè)計(jì),特別是推進(jìn)體制機(jī)制的改革。要全面建成普惠性學(xué)前教育公共服務(wù)體系,我們就必須要堅(jiān)定地走與中國(guó)社會(huì)主義初級(jí)階段國(guó)情相符合的特色發(fā)展之路:一是立足國(guó)情,抓主要矛盾,非常時(shí)期,行非常之法;二是建立合理的成本分擔(dān)機(jī)制,進(jìn)一步減輕家庭負(fù)擔(dān);三是豐富學(xué)前教育資源,促進(jìn)兒童入園機(jī)會(huì)均等;四是堅(jiān)持"適度普惠"的基本原則,通過(guò)階梯路徑,分層次、有重點(diǎn)推進(jìn)普惠性學(xué)前教育公共服務(wù)體系建設(shè)。
It is an important national educational strategic project to vigorously and continuously promote the construction of the public service system of generally beneficial preschool education until it is completed. In recent years,China has accumulated some useful experience and foundation and made outstanding achievements around the main task of "ensuring basic,wide coverage and basic quality". But at the same time,we should also clearly see that the construction of generally beneficial preschool education public service system is still not perfect. The phenomenon of"difficult and expensive access to kindergartens"has not been fundamentally solved. Using ROST data mining system,we find that there are six prominent problems in the construction of generally beneficial preschool education public service system. Firstly,the problem of"difficult and expensive access to kindergartens"which is related to people's livelihood has not been fundamentally solved. Secondly,the fundamental position and value standpoint of the development of preschool education in China have not been fully established. Thirdly,the balanced development of preschool education is still facing serious challenges,and the gap between urban and rural areas is still significant. Fourthly,the central and local preschool education administrative capacity needs to be improved,and the inter-departmental cooperation mechanism needs to be explored urgently. Fifthly,there is still a lack of effective strategies and paths to solve the difficulties and urgent problems in the construction of generally beneficial public service system of preschool education. Sixthly,with the gradual deepening of the reform and development,some small,superficial and local problems have been gradually solved,and the overall,fundamental and deep problems have been further revealed,requiring deep reform,especially in the system and mechanism. In order to reform and improve the public service system of generally beneficial preschool education,we must firmly follow the road of characteristics suited to China's national conditions. Firstly,we should focus on finding and solving the outstanding difficulties based on the current situation of China. We should pay attention to the use of extraordinary means and strategies in extraordinary times. Secondly,we should deeply realize that children are not only the precious wealth of the country,but also the hope of the family. We must explore a way to satisfy parents and meet the basic national conditions of China's current economic and social development,which is"low fees,everyone can enjoy,and benefit the whole children". Thirdly,we should see that our current high-quality generally beneficial preschool education resources are very limited,so we should focus on supporting low SES( Social and Economical Status) families and establishing a"Starting Strong"project for children from low SES families,which is the priority. Fourthly,we should focus on the "moderation"in the construction of generally beneficial preschool education public service system.

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