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學前教育研究 頁數(shù): 4 2019-07-01
摘要: 文化生態(tài)理論視角下的學前兒童音樂教育強調(diào)兒童音樂教育與外部文化環(huán)境之間的互動,在提升兒童音樂素養(yǎng)的同時致力于培養(yǎng)兒童的文化歷史感。當前兒童音樂教育實踐中傳統(tǒng)兒歌的缺位不利于文化多樣性的傳承,電子音樂的過度涉入則又阻礙了兒童主體性的發(fā)揮。學前兒童音樂教育不僅應珍視傳統(tǒng)文化和本土文化的價值,而且要善于維護兒童在信息化時代的主體地位,通過提升音樂教育與外部文化環(huán)境的融合程度促進兒童更好發(fā)展。
The music education of preschool children under the perspective of cultural ecology theory emphasizes the interaction and adaptation between children's music education and the external cultural environment. While improving children's music literacy and music ability,it is committed to cultivating children into individuals with a sense of history and culture. The external ecological environment of preschool children's music education has two main forms:traditional children's songs and modern electronic media music system. However,the absence of traditional children's songs in practice leads to the loss of cultural diversity inheritance, and the excessive involvement of electronic media dissolves children 's subjectivity. The music education for preschool children should establish an effective connection with traditional culture,value traditional culture and local culture,and maintain children's subjective boundary in the information age.

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