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學前教育研究 頁數: 4 2019-07-01
摘要: 本土文化是幼兒園課程內容的重要來源。筆者所在幼兒園基于所處的"江韻文化"而構建的童趣體驗課程,即試圖通過文化的化人功能來培育幼兒的行為之上善、賦性之聰慧和童心之純美,其建構與實施注重內容選擇的本土性和發(fā)展性、實施過程的動態(tài)性和兒童的參與性、課程評價的立體化和綜合性,使其最終服務于幼兒的全面發(fā)展、教師專業(yè)水平的提高和幼兒園課程體系的完善。
The curriculum originates from culture,and the construction of curriculum needs to consider the cultural situation of students and endow them with deeper educational significance. Based on the culture of"Jiangyun",the"Jiangyun culture "fun experience course tries to cultivate children 's good behavior,intelligent nature and pure beauty of childishness through the cultural humanization function. Its construction and implementation should pay attention to the localization and development of content selection,the dynamics of implementation process and children 's participation,the comprehensiveness of the curriculum evaluation.

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