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學(xué)前教育研究 頁數(shù): 11 2019-07-01
摘要: 從古典哲學(xué)到"兒童的哲學(xué)"再到童年哲學(xué)研究,馬修斯的思想發(fā)展歷程貫穿了他對"何謂哲學(xué)""何謂兒童""‘兒童的哲學(xué)’何為""童年哲學(xué)何為"等問題的深入思考。基于對哲學(xué)之"困惑"本質(zhì)和兒童與哲學(xué)關(guān)系的探析,馬修斯進入到"兒童的哲學(xué)"中。而通過研究"兒童的哲學(xué)",馬修斯又意識到現(xiàn)有童年研究范式存在缺陷,童年的重要意義需要被重新認(rèn)識。他發(fā)現(xiàn)唯有在理解兒童的基礎(chǔ)上,真正的兒童哲學(xué)教育才有可能實現(xiàn)。對"兒童是誰""兒童知道些什么"及"兒童應(yīng)當(dāng)?shù)玫叫┦裁?等核心問題的探究,促使馬修斯初步建立了他的童年哲學(xué)觀。這種思想進路啟發(fā)當(dāng)今兒童哲學(xué)的發(fā)展不應(yīng)局限于兒童哲學(xué)探究計劃的發(fā)展,而應(yīng)把更多精力投入到"兒童的哲學(xué)"與童年哲學(xué)的研究中,因為"兒童的哲學(xué)"與童年哲學(xué)才是兒童哲學(xué)發(fā)展的根基。
Gareth B. Matthews researches on ancient philosophy, philosophy of children and philosophy of childhood in his whole life, and his main questions are "what philosophy is", "what children are","what philosophy of childhood is ", etc. Based on his ideas about the nature of philosophy and children,he begins to research on philosophy by children and tries to help children and adults growing up together.Then, he finds the problems of scientific researches on children and realizes the importance of understanding children in a new way. This is the reason why Matthews shifts his attention to philosophy of childhood, and builds his theory of philosophy of childhood on three questions, "what children are","what they know" and "what they deserve". The research experience of Matthews reminds us to reset the direction of philosophy of children today. We should not only focus on the educational program of philosophy for children but do more research on the exploration of philosophy by children and the philosophy of childhood, for they are the foundation of the development of philosophy of children.

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