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學前教育研究 頁數: 18 2019-07-01
摘要: 幼小銜接是兒童成長中的關鍵期。每個兒童因其所在環(huán)境以及與環(huán)境間關系的不同,其幼小銜接必有其獨特性,要真正幫助兒童解決幼小銜接問題,需要究其根源。本研究借鑒生態(tài)系統(tǒng)理論和社會歷史理論,建立起有關兒童學習與發(fā)展的復雜系統(tǒng)觀,對一位澳大利亞華人孩子在幼小銜接期遇到的游戲活動變化問題進行分析,結果發(fā)現幼小銜接問題往往沒有表面看起來那么簡單,它通常源于兒童和其他利益相關者所在各微觀系統(tǒng)之間或各微觀系統(tǒng)內部不同因素之間的差異碰撞,這些碰撞是否上升為沖突,又取決于利益相關者所在系統(tǒng)特點、過往經歷、性格、需要、興趣等多方面主客觀因素的交互作用。因此,看似相同的幼小銜接問題可能蘊藏著來自不同利益相關者的不同沖突及其對沖突的不同處理方式,從而影響問題性質和兒童學習與發(fā)展軌跡。這對幼小銜接期兒童學習和發(fā)展的研究及教育實踐具有以下重要啟示:首先應重視建立兒童在該時期所處各主要生活場所間的密切聯(lián)系,盡可能多地收集兒童在各主要生活場所中的學習與發(fā)展信息,完整地構建兒童在幼小銜接期所處的系統(tǒng)變化,據此分析和確定兒童遇到的具體問題,然后聯(lián)合各主要生活場所的力量,運用各主要生活場所的資源,共同解決問題,從而幫助兒童更好地度過幼小銜接期。
Transition to primary school is a critical period in children 's life, and child learning and development in this period is a hot research field. Among current studies, much attention has been paid to the transition problems on the surface, trying to find the superficial explanations to these problems which could be applied to all the children. However, since different children are situated in different environment and have different relations with their environment, they experience different transition processes. Therefore, the transition problems different children encounter must have different deep roots no matter how similar they look like on the surface. In this sense, in order to help solve children's transition problems, their deep roots should be investigated. Drawing upon Bronfenbrenner 's ecological theory and Vygotsky's cultural-historical theory, this paper builds a complex system framework, based on which the paper deeply analyses the problem concerning the change of the play activities in which our main research participant Kevin participated during his transition to school. The paper finds that the roots of transition problems are far more complex than their appearance. The problems are normally originated from different conflicts due to the differences between micro-systems in which the child and other stakeholders are situated as well as between factors within each micro-system. Meanwhile, whether the differences would lead to the conflicts of a particular stakeholder depends on the nature of the system he/she is in, his/her previous experiences, personality, demands, interests, and other relevant objective and subjective factors as a whole. In this sense, under the surface of one particular transition problem, there might be different conflicts of different stakeholders and different solutions to the conflicts, thereby influencing the nature of the problem and the child's learning and development trajectory. This paper breaks the current research status of mainly focusing on the superficial problems of children 's transition to school, makes a first trial to exploring the general laws of children 's transition to school, and provides suitable research approaches which could be used by researchers.

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