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教師教育研究 頁數(shù): 9 2019-07-15
摘要: 當前我國幼兒園教師隊伍建設存在三個失衡現(xiàn)象。一是區(qū)域失衡,即農(nóng)村與城市教師隊伍建設的失衡,它影響教師專業(yè)思想的穩(wěn)定。為破解這一難題,我們主張在教師數(shù)量嚴重短缺地區(qū)借鑒國外比較成熟的"臨時認證"制度,吸引廣大有愛心,立志從教的教師。二是"理"與"用"的失衡,即注重教師在理論方面的提升,而對理論如何運用于實踐的關注不夠。為此,我們要從學科取向轉變?yōu)閷嵺`取向,注重提升教師的實踐智慧。三是"藝"與"文"的失衡,即關注教師對知識、技能、技藝的掌握,而不夠重視人文精神的培育??梢哉f,"藝"與"文"的失衡是影響"大國良師"輩出的主要原因。因此,我們必須大力推進教師教育課程改革,注重科學精神與人文精神的陶冶,將教師塑造成有理想信念、有道德情操、有扎實學識、有仁愛之心的"四有"好老師。
In present days,the balance of teacher education highlighted in the following three aspects. Firstly,the imbalance of preschool teachers in rural areas and urban areas has seriously affected the stability and professional loyalty of teachers. To achieve the regional balance,we should borrow the approach of"alternative teacher certification"system. Secondly,preschool teacher education system in the imbalance of theory and practice has seriously hampered the quality of teachers. To solve this problem,we should have the transition from subject-orientated to practice-oriented,which more focuses on the growth of teacher's practical wisdom( phronesis). Thirdly,professional balance in teacher education issues a profound impact on the construction of high-quality teachers,especially teachers of comprehensive development. We must focus on the development of preschool teachers not only the knowledge mastery,but also the culture competence,so that it can really help preschool teachers to be"Four Good Requirements for Teachers".

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