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北京師范大學(xué)學(xué)報(社會科學(xué)版) 頁數(shù): 10 2019-07-25
摘要: 學(xué)前教育小學(xué)化是當(dāng)前我國學(xué)前教育領(lǐng)域亟待解決的問題,引起社會廣泛關(guān)注。但是,學(xué)術(shù)研究和政策治理實踐中的誤解誤用,導(dǎo)致學(xué)前教育實踐無所適從,甚至影響到幼兒園教育工作的開展。將"學(xué)前教育小學(xué)化"與國外使用的schoolification進行比較發(fā)現(xiàn),"學(xué)前教育小學(xué)化"的概念命名缺少邏輯檢驗,概念內(nèi)涵模糊不清。厘清小學(xué)化概念,需要"懸置"相關(guān)價值判斷,明確概念的事實描述。"小學(xué)化"的價值判斷涉及學(xué)前教育功能,但是目前學(xué)前教育功能的爭論不斷,學(xué)前教育實踐中的功能定位搖擺不定。從"兒童發(fā)展中心"觀點看,將兒童發(fā)展置于中心地位,有利于密切兒童與其他教育因素的聯(lián)系,引導(dǎo)學(xué)前教育尊重兒童成長規(guī)律,保障兒童健康,促進兒童發(fā)展。結(jié)合早期教育的國際趨勢以及國內(nèi)外學(xué)前教育功能定位的差異來看,小學(xué)"零起點教學(xué)"是一個充滿歧義的議題,引發(fā)了幼小銜接面臨家長質(zhì)疑和幼兒園困惑的雙重挑戰(zhàn),亟需樹立"兒童發(fā)展中心"立場才能成功應(yīng)對。
Primary school orientation in the preschool education is an urgent issue in the preschool education in China, which has attracted extensive attention from the society. However, the misunderstanding and misuse in academic research and policy governance leads to the confusion in preschool education practice, and even affects the implementation of kindergarten education. Compared with the term "schoolification" used abroad, "primary school orientation in the preschool education" lacks a logical test and has an ambiguous connotation. Therefore, it is necessary to "suspend" the relevant value judgment and clarify the factual description of it. The value judgment of "primary school orientation" involves the function of preschool education, but it is still controversial at present and its function orientation in the practice is unsettled. The stance of "centering on children's development" is conducive to linking children with other educational factors closely, guiding preschool education to follow the rule of children's growth, ensuring their health and promoting their development. By analyzing the international trend of early education and the differences in the functional orientation of preschool education at home and abroad, it can be found that the topic of "zero-starting-point teaching" in primary schools is so ambiguous that it faces the dual challenges of parents' questioning and kindergartens' confusion, so it is urgent to establish the stance of "centering on children's development" in order to cope with the challenges successfully.

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