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從Library Journal年度圖書館看美國公共圖書館學(xué)前教育

圖書館學(xué)研究 頁數(shù): 7 2019-06-25
摘要: 圖書館學(xué)前教育是圖書館未成年人服務(wù)的重要組成部分。美國《圖書館雜志》自1992年開始評選年度圖書館,歷屆獲獎圖書館所體現(xiàn)出的優(yōu)質(zhì)服務(wù)一直為其他圖書館所借鑒。以近10年獲獎年度圖書館為研究對象,結(jié)合美國學(xué)者托馬斯提出的圖書館未成年人服務(wù)"五因素"理論:專門館藏、專門空間、專門人才、專門服務(wù)與活動、合作網(wǎng)絡(luò),探討美國公共圖書館開展學(xué)前教育服務(wù)特色與成功實(shí)踐,并為我國圖書館開展學(xué)前教育服務(wù)以啟示。
Preschool education of library is an important part of the library's services for the underage.The American Library Journal has begun to vote for the library of the year since 1992.The quality services embodied in previous award-winning libraries have been used by other libraries.Taking the award-winning annual libraries in the past ten years as the research object,combined with the "five factors theory" of library minors service proposed by American scholar Thomas: specialized collections,specialized spaces,specialized personnel,Specialized Programs/Service Designed for Youth,All Existing within a Network of Other Youth Services,Organizations and Agencies.We explore the features and successful practice of preschool education services in American public libraries,and provide enlightenment for preschool education services in Chinese libraries.

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