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南京師大學(xué)報(社會科學(xué)版) 頁數(shù): 13 2019-07-25
摘要: 新中國成立70年以來,我國學(xué)前教育事業(yè)在曲折中不斷前進(jìn),具體到管理層面也不斷進(jìn)行著多重調(diào)整,主要表現(xiàn)為:在管理理念上從被動防范、強(qiáng)權(quán)控制到主動變革、服務(wù)教育的發(fā)展軌跡;在管理制度上存在著從權(quán)力中心到責(zé)任共擔(dān)的歷史演變;在管理內(nèi)容上發(fā)生著從缺乏規(guī)劃、封閉管理到規(guī)范調(diào)控、強(qiáng)調(diào)質(zhì)量的總體變遷;在管理方式上經(jīng)歷著從集權(quán)模式到多中心治理的發(fā)展變化。回顧并反思新中國70年以來學(xué)前教育管理的變革歷程可以發(fā)現(xiàn)如下突出特征,對"兒童中心"教育理念的逐步踐行,對"政府主導(dǎo)"體制機(jī)制的日益強(qiáng)化,對"規(guī)范發(fā)展"管理目標(biāo)的不斷優(yōu)化,對"分級治理"管理方式的建立健全。
Over the past 70 years since 1949, China's pre-school education has developed in twists and turns, and the management of pre-school education has also undergone multiple changes In terms of the management philosophy, preschool education management has shifted from implementing a passive prevention and control to actively embracing changes and serving education In terms of the management system, there has been a historical evolution from the power centered-ness to the sharing of responsibility In terms of the management content, there has been an overall change from a lack of planning and closed management to rule-based regulation and pursuit of high quality In terms of the management mode, there has been a shift from centralized management to a mode characterized by multiple centers A review of and reflection on the development of the preschool education management since 1949 reveal that the management of preschool education in China has made the following achievements: gradually implementing the "childcentered" educational concept; continuously strengthening the system and mechanism of "government playing a leading role"; relentlessly optimizing the management objectives of "rule-based development";and establishing and improving the management mode of "hierarchical governance" .

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