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教育研究 頁(yè)數(shù): 11 2019-06-15
摘要: 2019年,距離李普曼兒童哲學(xué)小說(shuō)《聰聰?shù)陌l(fā)現(xiàn)》創(chuàng)作完成已經(jīng)走過(guò)50個(gè)年頭,李普曼開創(chuàng)的這一事業(yè)也已經(jīng)遍及世界各地,兒童哲學(xué)研究范式亦發(fā)生明顯變化。在價(jià)值范式上,李普曼主要針對(duì)學(xué)校教育的不合理之處提出以兒童哲學(xué)重構(gòu)學(xué)校教育;之后的研究者更加關(guān)注兒童哲學(xué)本身的質(zhì)量。在理論范式上,李普曼的兒童哲學(xué)主要建立在杜威、米德、維果茨基等人認(rèn)識(shí)論思想上;之后的研究者則拓展到了福柯、阿甘本等生命哲學(xué)和政治哲學(xué)思想上。在實(shí)踐范式上,李普曼采取了獨(dú)立設(shè)置兒童哲學(xué)的方式;之后的研究者則基于本土立場(chǎng)采取了多樣化的實(shí)踐方式。這些范式轉(zhuǎn)換帶來(lái)的啟示有:兒童哲學(xué)當(dāng)走實(shí)踐哲學(xué)取向,關(guān)注其帶來(lái)的觀念變革,實(shí)踐方式應(yīng)多樣化。
Five decades ago,Lipman finished writing Harry Scottlemeier's Discovery,a novel about the philosophy for children. At present,the philosophy for children is being practiced all over the world,and the research paradigms for it have changed considerably. In terms of the value paradigm,Lipman criticized the unreasonable aspects of schooling and advocated reconstructing schooling based on the philosophy for children,whereas the later researchers paid more attention to the quality of the philosophy for children itself. In terms of the theoretical paradigm,Lipman built his philosophy for children based on the ideas of Dewey,Mead,Vygotsky and others,whereas the later researchers expanded the philosophy for children to the philosophy of life and political philosophy by Foucault,Agamben and other postmodern philosophers. In terms of the practice paradigm,Lipman built his philosophy for children independently,whereas the later researchers did diversified practices based on local standpoints. These paradigms offer implications that the philosophy for children is supposed to step into practice philosophy,pay attention to the changes in ideas,and do diversified practices.

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