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基礎(chǔ)教育 頁數(shù): 8 2019-06-06
摘要: 在我國"辦好學(xué)前教育"背景下,構(gòu)建一套具有本土立場和國際視野、能夠系統(tǒng)引領(lǐng)和科學(xué)評價我國學(xué)前教育事業(yè)發(fā)展的學(xué)前教育指標體系已成為亟待解決的重大問題。本研究以在國際上具有重大影響的CIPP評價模型為理論分析框架,以美國、英國等6個主要國家的學(xué)前教育指標體系為比較對象,對世界各國有影響的學(xué)前教育指標體系進行描述和比較,并在此基礎(chǔ)上為我國學(xué)前教育指標體系建設(shè)提出建議。
Under the background of"Running preschools well"in our country,It has become an important problem that constructing an indicator system of early childhood education with a local and international vision,guiding and evaluating the development of Chinese early childhood education.The study,taking the international CIPP evaluation model as a comparative framework and the preschool education indicator system of six countries as the comparison object,describes and compares the major international preschool education indicators systems,and the paper puts forward some suggestions for the construction of preschool education index system in china.

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