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基礎(chǔ)教育 頁數(shù): 9 2019-06-06
摘要: 縣級(jí)政府是發(fā)展學(xué)前教育的重要責(zé)任主體。通過2011-2016年H縣學(xué)前教育事業(yè)發(fā)展數(shù)據(jù),分析城鄉(xiāng)之間、鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)之間以及縣城、鎮(zhèn)與鄉(xiāng)村之間學(xué)前教育配置效率的變化,結(jié)合縣域社會(huì)經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展規(guī)劃與人口流動(dòng)等,闡述影響縣域?qū)W前教育資源配置效率變化的主要因素。研究發(fā)現(xiàn),H縣學(xué)前教育資源配置總體趨于有效率狀態(tài),但校舍建筑和幼兒教師城鄉(xiāng)配置方式差異明顯,存在"城鎮(zhèn)空間擠、鄉(xiāng)村教師缺"的現(xiàn)象;縣城和鄉(xiāng)村教育資源配置效率高于鎮(zhèn),便利的城鄉(xiāng)交通引致鎮(zhèn)適齡兒童選擇進(jìn)城入園。制定符合社會(huì)發(fā)展規(guī)劃和人口流動(dòng)趨勢(shì)的幼兒園布局是提高縣域?qū)W前教育資源配置效率的重要路徑。
County government is the main responsibility for the development of preschool education.Through 2011-2016 preschool education development data of H county,the paper analyzed the change of the efficiency of preschool education between urban and rural areas,between townships,between county,towns and villages,according to the county social economic development planning and population movements,analyzed the main factors affecting the change of the allocation efficiency of county preschool education resources.The study found that H county preschool education resources allocation tended to be efficient,but the difference of preschool building and kindergarten teachers allocation between urban and rural was obvious,showing the phenomenon of"urban space squeeze,rural teachers lacking";the education resources allocation efficiency of county and rural is higher than the town,convenient traffic between urban and rural led to school-aged children of town who choose to enroll in the kindergarten of the country.The development of the kindergarten layout in line with the social development planning and the trends of population mobility is an important way to improve the efficiency of resource allocation.

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