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中國體育科技 頁數(shù): 7 2019-07-08 14:17
摘要: 兒童基本動作技能與體能對其身體活動水平和健康促進(jìn)有重要意義。隨機(jī)抽取山東省濟(jì)南市和萊蕪市各兩所幼兒園的498名3~5歲幼兒為研究對象,使用大肌肉動作發(fā)展測試第二版(TGMD-2)和國民體質(zhì)測定標(biāo)準(zhǔn)手冊(幼兒部分)對幼兒的基本動作技能及10 m折返跑、立定跳遠(yuǎn)和網(wǎng)球擲遠(yuǎn)等體能指標(biāo)進(jìn)行測試,以探討兩者的關(guān)系。研究發(fā)現(xiàn):1)男童的體能和操控技能優(yōu)于女童,但女童的位移技能要優(yōu)于男童;2) 3~5歲幼兒的基本動作技能與其體能水平存在中低程度相關(guān);3)在基本動作技能可以預(yù)測其體能水平方面,對立定跳遠(yuǎn)(14.3%)和10 m折返跑的解釋率(11%)要高于對網(wǎng)球擲遠(yuǎn)的解釋率(5.4%)。研究發(fā)現(xiàn),可通過發(fā)展幼兒的基本動作技能來提升其體能水平。建議后續(xù)研究應(yīng)擴(kuò)展兒童年齡范圍,探討不同年齡段兒童的基本動作技能對體能的影響。
Fundamental movement skills(FMS) and physical fitness(PF) in children and adolescents contribute to the level of physical activity(PA) and health. By employing the Test of Gross Motor Development-2 rd edition(TGMD-2) and National Physical Fitness Test for preschool children, a total of 498 children, aged 3 to 5 years old, from 4 kindergartens in Jinan and Laiwu were performed with FMS and PF tests including 10-meter shuttle run, standing long jump,throwing tennis. The findings of this study were that 1) Boy's PF and object control skills(OCS)were better than girls while the locomotor skills(LS) were lower than girls; 2) There were significantly low-to-moderate relations between FMS and PF in tested children; 3) The children's FMS significantly predicted the PF. The LS and OCS explained more adjusted variance of standing long jump(14.3% of the adjusted variance) and 10-meter shuttle run(11% of the adjusted variance) than throwing tennis(5.4% of the adjusted variance). The children's PF level could be improved by promoting the development of FMS. The future research should focus on the relationship between FMS and PF in different ages.

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