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中國體育科技 頁數(shù): 6 2019-06-19 16:37
摘要: 目的:3~6歲是學前兒童動作技能發(fā)展和身體素質發(fā)展的關鍵時期,探討幼兒動作技能與身體素質的關系,為提高我國幼兒的體質和動作水平提供參考。對象與方法:646名3~6歲幼兒,其中,男童326名,女童320名。使用TGMD-3評價幼兒13項動作技能,使用國民體質監(jiān)測測量方法評價幼兒6項身體素質,使用典型相關分析動作技能與身體素質的關系。結果:身體素質評分和動作技能評分兩類指標存在中等程度的正相關(第1典型相關系數(shù):男0.585,女0.582),動作技能的整體水平可以解釋身體素質整體水平約12%的變異,動作技能的整體水平對身體素質各單項的解釋能力不同,其中,對平衡木項目的解釋能力最好(決定系數(shù)約為0.25),對體前屈項目的解釋能力最差(決定系數(shù)小于0.1),對折返跑、立定跳遠、網(wǎng)球擲遠和雙腳跳項目的解釋能力在10%~20%。與幼兒6項身體素質水平密切相關的動作技能主要包括跑步、單腳跳、滑步、拍球和擊球動作(相關系數(shù)大于0.4)。結論:3~6歲幼兒階段動作技能與身體素質有一定的關聯(lián),動作技能的早期獲得有助于促進體質提高。
Objective: The age of 3~6 years is the key period for the development of motor skills and physical fitness of children. The relationship between motor skills and physical fitness among 3~6 year old boys and girls were analyzed to promote the physical fitness at the early stage. Methods: 646 children aged 3~6 including 326 males and 320 females were selected. 13 motor skills of children were evaluated by TGMD-3, and six physical fitness were evaluated by national physical fitness monitoring measurement. The relationship between motor skills and physical fitness was analyzed with Canonical correlation statistical methods. Results: There was a moderate positive correlation between physical fitness score and motor skill score(the first canonical correlation coefficient, 0.585 for males and 0.582 for females) and motor skill information could explain 12% of the variation of physical fitness. Motor skills had different explanatory abilities to each items of physical fitness. Specifically, the explanatory power for balance fitness was the best(the coefficient was about 0.25), for sit-reach was the worst(the coefficient was less than 0.1), and for shuttle running, standing long jump, tennis throw and double-foot jump were between 10% and 20%. The main motor skills being related to children's six physical fitness levels included running, one-foot jumping, sliding, dribbling and batting(correlation coefficient greater than 0.4). Conclusion: There is a relationship between motor skills and physical fitness in3~6 years old children. Early acquisition of motor skills is helpful to improve physical fitness.

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