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北京體育大學學報 頁數(shù): 11 2019-04-15
摘要: 目的:在前期研究成果的基礎(chǔ)上,參考借鑒國內(nèi)外現(xiàn)有體育活動強度評價量表,充分考慮幼兒的認知水平,通過實驗研制一套科學合理具有普適性的幼兒體育活動強度自評量表。方法:選取2所幼兒園大班幼兒116人進行量表研制。通過臺階高度和踏步頻率負荷遞增的方式分析量表的合理性,測試過程中讓幼兒利用量表進行自評,同時全程記錄心率和加速度計數(shù)據(jù)。使用單因素重復(fù)測量方差分析檢驗各自評等級的平均心率差異,用Spearman等級相關(guān)和配對樣本T檢驗分析量表的重測信度,另用Spearman等級相關(guān)分析量表的效標效度。結(jié)果:幼兒自評等級與加速度計Count值和心率的相關(guān)系數(shù)均較高(P<0. 001),說明量表能夠較好反映幼兒運動中的物理強度和生理變化。心率在各等級間均有顯著性差異(P<0. 001),說明量表對不同強度活動的區(qū)分度較好。2次測試的自評等級高度相關(guān)(P<0. 05)且無顯著性差異(P>0. 05),即量表的重測信度較好。幼兒在園內(nèi)日?;顒拥牧勘碜栽u等級與心率的相關(guān)系數(shù)較高(R=0. 604,P<0. 001),說明量表具有較好的校標效度。結(jié)論:研制獲得了《幼兒體育活動強度自評量表》。該量表是一個包含6個選項的以卡通圖畫為主要表現(xiàn)形式的幼兒自評量表。該量表各等級與客觀指標的相關(guān)性較好,具有良好的信度和效度,且具有較好的普適性,可用于幼兒日常體育活動強度的評價,以幫助教師更合理地為幼兒安排各類體育活動課程。
Objective: Based on the previous research results and referring to the existing evaluation scale of physical activity intensity at home and abroad,this study designed a scientific and reasonable self-rating scale for preschool children's sports activity intensity. Methods: One hundred and sixteen children in two kindergartens were investigated to help develop the scale. The reasonableness of the scale was analyzed by adjusting children's step height and step frequency. In the process of testing,children were allowed to use the scale to conduct self-evaluation,and the heart rate and accelerometer data were recorded in the whole process. The average heart rate difference of each rating was tested by single factor repeated measurement variance analysis,the retest reliability of the scale was tested by Spearman grade correlation and paired sample T test,and the validity of the scale was tested by Spearman grade correlation analysis. Results: The correlation coefficients between the self-assessment grade and the count value of accelerometer and heart rate were high (P < 0.001),which showed that the scale can better reflect the exercise intensity and physiological changes of preschool children. There were significant differences in heart rate among different grades (P < 0.001),which indicated that the scale had a better discrimination between different intensity activities. The two tests of self-rating grade were highly correlated (P < 0.05) and there was no significant difference (P > 0.05),that is to say,the retest reliability of the scale was better. The correlation coefficient between self-rating scale of children's daily activities in kindergartens and heart rate was higher (R= 0.604,P<0. 001),which indicated that the scale had good calibration validity. Conclusion: In this study,the Self-rating Scale of Physical Activity Intensity of Preschool Children was developed. The scale is a self-rating scale for children with six choices and cartoon pictures as its main form of expression. The scale has good correlation with objective indicators,good reliability and validity,and good universality. It can be used to evaluate the intensity of preschool children's daily sports activities,so as to help teachers arrange various kinds of sports courses for preschool children more reasonably.

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