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教育發(fā)展研究 頁數(shù): 9 2019-04-25
摘要: 利用教育實習提高學(xué)前教育師范生的職業(yè)認同,是國家"幼有所育"政策背景下學(xué)前教師教育的緊迫任務(wù),是現(xiàn)今克服師范畢業(yè)生"流失"幼教師資隊伍的現(xiàn)實措施。本研究對所在師范大學(xué)學(xué)前教育專業(yè)14級全體師范生教育實習前后職業(yè)認同的現(xiàn)狀差異進行分析,探討教育實習對師范生職業(yè)認同的影響。研究發(fā)現(xiàn),教育實習提高了師范生的總體職業(yè)認同及職業(yè)情感、職業(yè)意志和職業(yè)行為傾向3個一級維度;提高了師范生的職業(yè)價值認同、職業(yè)熱情等9個二級維度,但未能提高師范生的職業(yè)能力認知、職業(yè)特征認知等4個二級維度,對師范生的職業(yè)社會認知二級維度甚至有負面作用。這一研究結(jié)果為優(yōu)化學(xué)前教師教育實習促進師范生的職業(yè)認同,以穩(wěn)定幼教師資隊伍、實現(xiàn)"幼有所育"的政策目標提供了有益的啟示。
Using educational practice to improve students' professional identity in normal university is an urgent task of preschool teachers' education under the background of national policy of "Children with Education", and a realistic measure to overcome the loss of graduates from kindergarten teachers nowadays. This study first analyzes the differences of professional identity of the students at 14 level of preschool education major in S Normal University before and after the educational practice, and discusses the impact of educational practice on students' professional identity. Based on the result, some useful suggestions are put forward for optimizing educational practice of preschool teachers' education and improving students' professional identity, in order to stabilize kindergarten teaching staff and achieve the policy objective of "Children with Education".

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