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教育發(fā)展研究 頁數(shù): 9 2019-04-25
摘要: 貧困農(nóng)村幼兒園教師隊(duì)伍的穩(wěn)定性事關(guān)當(dāng)?shù)貙W(xué)前教育的核心質(zhì)量和兒童發(fā)展,在城鄉(xiāng)學(xué)前教師資源配置不均的背景下其重要性尤為突出。本文基于湖北省東部和西部兩個典型國家級貧困縣縣域內(nèi)農(nóng)村幼兒園教師的調(diào)查和訪談,全面考察了貧困農(nóng)村幼兒園教師的流動意向和影響因素。研究發(fā)現(xiàn),貧困農(nóng)村幼兒園教師的職業(yè)內(nèi)流動意向和職業(yè)外流動意向明顯,群體差異顯著。在全部教師中,有29.7%具有流動意向,在具有流動意向的教師中,有56.7%希望換園,另外43.3%準(zhǔn)備更換職業(yè)。在流動方向上具有"向城性"的特點(diǎn),中小學(xué)教師職業(yè)是職業(yè)外流動的首要選擇,公辦幼兒園轉(zhuǎn)崗教師職業(yè)外流動意向明顯。流動原因主要包括工資待遇低、家庭需要、工作壓力大、職業(yè)發(fā)展需求未被滿足和從教動機(jī)存在偏差。對此,應(yīng)通過多種渠道提高教師工資水平和減輕工作壓力,關(guān)注教師子女上學(xué)問題,增加教師培訓(xùn)機(jī)會和職業(yè)發(fā)展空間,激發(fā)教師內(nèi)在工作動機(jī)和職業(yè)認(rèn)同感。
The stability of teachers in impoverished rural kindergartens is related to the core quality of local preschool education and the development of children, especially in the context of unbalanced resource allocation between urban and rural preschool teachers. Based on the survey and interview of rural kindergarten teachers in two typical poverty-stricken counties in eastern and western Hubei province, this paper comprehensively examines the mobility intention and influencing factors of rural kindergarten teachers in poverty-stricken areas. The study finds that there are obvious intra-occupational and extra-occupational mobility intentions of impoverished rural kindergarten teachers, with significant group differences. 29.7% of all teachers have the intention to move, 56.7% of teachers have the intention to change gardens, and 43.3% are ready to change careers. The flow direction has the characteristics of "toward the city". The primary and secondary school teachers' profession is the first choice for the out-of-profession flow, and the out-of-profession flow intention of the transferred teachers in public kindergartens is obvious. The main reasons for mobility include low wages, family needs, high work pressure, unsatisfactory career development needs and deviations in motivation to teach. In this regard, we should improve teachers' salary level and reduce work pressure through various channels, pay attention to the problem of teachers' children going to school, increase teachers' training opportunities and career development space, and stimulate teachers' intrinsic working motivation and professional identity.

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