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教育發(fā)展研究 頁數(shù): 7 2019-04-25
摘要: 幼兒園"小學(xué)化"專項(xiàng)治理提出小學(xué)堅(jiān)持零起點(diǎn)教學(xué)。由于主語置換、背離初衷、以偏概全、知行不一等原因,入學(xué)準(zhǔn)備和"零起點(diǎn)"容易產(chǎn)生矛盾,同時陷進(jìn)入學(xué)準(zhǔn)備意味著整齊劃一的"起跑線"、等同于學(xué)業(yè)準(zhǔn)備、從大班開始準(zhǔn)備等誤區(qū)。糾正"小學(xué)化"應(yīng)注意剖析入學(xué)準(zhǔn)備的復(fù)雜內(nèi)涵和內(nèi)容結(jié)構(gòu),它至少包括簡化還原、多維匯聚、歷時協(xié)同三種類型,反映了從單維到多維、學(xué)業(yè)認(rèn)知到身心全面發(fā)展、個體準(zhǔn)備到多方準(zhǔn)備的趨勢??茖W(xué)做好入學(xué)準(zhǔn)備、精準(zhǔn)破解"小學(xué)化"傾向需要凸顯方法和價值雙重向度,從自在目標(biāo)到期望性目標(biāo),強(qiáng)調(diào)為終身學(xué)習(xí)而做準(zhǔn)備;從單一主體到多元主體,構(gòu)筑多方準(zhǔn)備的生態(tài)系統(tǒng);從旁觀評定到行動探究,加強(qiáng)學(xué)前教育質(zhì)量國家監(jiān)測。
The special management of "primary school" in kindergartens puts forward that primary schools should adhere to zerostarting teaching. Because of the substitution of subject, deviation from original intention, generalization by deviation and inconsistency of knowledge and practice, there are conflicts between entrance preparation and "zero starting point". At the same time, it falls into the misunderstanding that entrance preparation means a uniform "starting line". It is equivalent to academic preparation, starting from a large class and so on. To correct the "primary school tendency" we should pay attention to the analysis of the complex connotation and content structure of school readiness, which includes at least three types: simplified reduction, multi-dimensional convergence and diachronic coordination. It reflects the trend from one-dimensional to multi-dimensional, academic recognition to physical and mental development, individual preparation to multi-preparation. Scientific preparations for school enrollment and accurate cracking of the tendency of "primary school tendency" need to highlight the dual dimensions of methods and values, from self-goal to expectation goal, emphasizing preparation for lifelong learning; from single subject to multi-subject, building an ecological system of multi-preparation; from bystander assessment to action exploration, strengthening the national monitoring of the quality of pre-school education.

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