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教育發(fā)展研究 頁數(shù): 8 2019-04-25
摘要: 普惠嵌入后,民辦幼兒教師似乎面臨更為復(fù)雜特殊的生存境況。采用問卷調(diào)查法和訪談法從薪酬福利待遇、專業(yè)支持、工作環(huán)境、人際關(guān)系等四個方面對普惠性民辦幼兒園教師的生存狀態(tài)進(jìn)行探究,發(fā)現(xiàn)教師工作環(huán)境略有改善,專業(yè)支持有所增強,人際關(guān)系微有拓展,但其仍無法脫離民辦幼兒園教師邊緣化的處境,付出與回報不對等,薪酬福利待遇偏低,社會尊重認(rèn)可度不高?;诖?應(yīng)切實保障教師工資待遇,增強專業(yè)發(fā)展扶持力度,積極維護教師社會形象。
Teachers who work in inclusive private kindergartens seem to face a more complex situation than other teachers who work in pure private kindergartens, which resulted from the policy of inclusive private kindergartens. The research explores the survival status of inclusive private kindergartensteachers by the education research method of questionnaire investigation and interview method. And the research focuses on the survival status of inclusive private kindergartens' teachers from four aspects, including the salary and other welfare benefits, professional assistance, work environment, interpersonal relationships. The research finds that work environment has improved slightly, professional assistance has been enhanced slightly, and interpersonal relationships have improved slightly. However, inclusive private kindergartens' teachers are still marginalized. Their pay is not good enough. And they don't get enough respect from society. So government should ensure the treatment of teachers, strengthen professional support and maintain the image of teachers.

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