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學(xué)前教育研究 頁數(shù): 4 2019-06-01
摘要: 幼兒園文化是幼兒園實(shí)現(xiàn)內(nèi)涵發(fā)展的重要依托,也是重要的教育手段和教育資源。彩繪作為一種直觀且易于被幼兒接受的藝術(shù)表現(xiàn)形式,可以為幼兒園文化建設(shè)提供有力支持。在利用趣味彩繪建設(shè)園所文化的過程中,幼兒園要充分利用本土資源和自然材料,結(jié)合幼兒園特色環(huán)境創(chuàng)設(shè),推動(dòng)幼兒的彩繪創(chuàng)作;要聚焦幼兒核心素養(yǎng)的培養(yǎng),通過優(yōu)化幼兒園管理促進(jìn)趣味彩繪的實(shí)施;要整合彩繪的美育元素,形成幼兒園獨(dú)特的文化體系。
Kindergarten culture is an important basis for realizing the connotation and development of kindergarten,as well as an important educational means and resources. As an intuitive and easily accepted art and cultural expression form,colored drawing can provide strong support for the cultural construction of kindergartens. Interesting colored drawing not only enriches the curriculum practice of the kindergarten,but also adds new connotation to the cultural construction of the kindergarten. To carry out the construction of kindergarten culture with interesting colored drawing,it is necessary to make full use of local resources and natural materials,combine the creation of characteristic environment of kindergarten to promote the creation of colored drawing,and expand the implementation scope of colored drawing and construct the cultural system of kindergarten by focusing on the core quality of children and integrating the aesthetic education elements of colored drawing.

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