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學前教育研究 頁數(shù): 4 2019-06-01
摘要: 構(gòu)建幼兒園親自然課程的目的是為了克服當今幼兒生命成長與自然的區(qū)隔。作為一種課程存在形態(tài)、發(fā)展理念和教育方法,幼兒園親自然課程凸顯的是幼兒個體成長過程中的自然品性,強調(diào)回歸自然、尊重生命、貼近生活和釋放靈性。幼兒園親自然課程必然要從"情""行""力"三方面來開展實踐,具體表現(xiàn)為從幼兒興趣生發(fā)課程主題,依托內(nèi)容支架推進課程主題,通過事件體驗升華課程主題。
The nature curriculum in kindergarten is to prevent and overcome the separation between children's life growth and nature caused by excessive demonstration of civilization evolution and scientific and technological development in children 's growth process. As a kind of curriculum existence form,development idea and education method,the kindergarten nature curriculum highlights the natural character of children's individual growth process,emphasis on returning to nature,respecting life,being close to life and releasing spirituality. To construct the kindergarten nature curriculum should develop the value theme from the children's interest,drive the value theme by content scaffolding,sublimate the value theme through the event experience.

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