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學(xué)前教育研究 頁(yè)數(shù): 4 2019-06-01
摘要: 幼兒的情緒表達(dá)是成人獲取幼兒生命活動(dòng)狀態(tài)信息的重要依據(jù),同時(shí)也是幼兒實(shí)現(xiàn)自身生命系統(tǒng)自我調(diào)適和理性發(fā)展的重要方式。培養(yǎng)幼兒用語(yǔ)言準(zhǔn)確表達(dá)自身情緒的能力,有助于幼兒獲得豐富的情緒概念,發(fā)展情緒認(rèn)知,提高情緒表達(dá)的質(zhì)量和效率。教師可以通過(guò)繪本閱讀和角色游戲等活動(dòng)為幼兒情緒的語(yǔ)言表達(dá)創(chuàng)造機(jī)會(huì),并注重對(duì)幼兒日常交往活動(dòng)的觀察和利用,提升幼兒情緒的語(yǔ)言表達(dá)水平,促進(jìn)幼兒情緒表達(dá)與社會(huì)交往的發(fā)展。
The emotion refers to the internal experience of the attitude towards external things that comes along with the process of cognition and consciousness;it is a kind of psychological activity mediated by individual needs. Children's emotional expression is an important way for adults to obtain information about children's life activities, and it is also an important influencing factor for children to achieve self-adjustment and rational development of their own life system. The purpose of promoting children 's emotional expression through language is to better help children acquire appropriate emotional concepts and cognition,and improve the quality and efficiency of their emotional expression. Kindergarten teachers can create opportunities for the language expression of children's emotions by carrying out picture book reading activities and role games,and pay attention to the observation and utilization of children's daily communication activities,so as to improve the language expression level of children's emotions and promote the development of children's emotional ability.

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