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學(xué)前教育研究 頁數(shù): 4 2019-06-01
摘要: 家庭為學(xué)前兒童的美術(shù)活動提供了初始環(huán)境,讓家長參與幼兒在家庭中的美術(shù)活動并對他們開展美術(shù)教育,有利于在生活體驗中激發(fā)幼兒的審美興趣,構(gòu)建幼兒完整的視覺經(jīng)驗,啟迪幼兒的美術(shù)心智。學(xué)前兒童的家庭美術(shù)教育本質(zhì)上是一種生活教育,家長要為幼兒提供豐富的審美活動,創(chuàng)設(shè)適宜的美術(shù)活動空間,提供多元化的美術(shù)活動材料,不斷豐富幼兒的美術(shù)活動體驗。與此同時,家長應(yīng)提升自身的美術(shù)素養(yǎng),為科學(xué)引領(lǐng)幼兒的美術(shù)活動奠定理念和技能基礎(chǔ)。
That the family provides the initial environment for preschool children's fine arts activities,let the parents participate in children's art activities in the family and develop art education for them can stimulate the children's aesthetic interest,and construct the children's complete visual experience and enlighten their art mind in the life experience. The family art education of preschool children is essentially a kind of life education. The parents should develop rich aesthetic activities for children,create suitable art activity space and provide diversified art activity materials. At the same time,the parents should improve their art literacy.

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