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學前教育研究 頁數(shù): 11 2019-06-01
摘要: 為了探討政府投入對學前教育供給特別是公辦園供給的影響,本研究基于可得的2002~2006年山東、浙江、河南、湖南、貴州及甘肅6省370個縣級歷史面板數(shù)據(jù)進行實證分析,結果顯示學前教育政府分擔比例與公辦園的在園幼兒規(guī)模增長率之間存在一種"右凸模型"現(xiàn)象:公辦園的政府分擔比例對公辦園的在園幼兒規(guī)模增長率有負向影響,在其他影響因素相同的情況下,政府分擔比例越大,對公辦園在園幼兒規(guī)模增長率的負效應越大。由于政府與公辦園是"圈內人"的關系,政府對公辦園的投入是一種社會性交換,所以政府會優(yōu)先投入公辦園。與此同時,進入公辦園的多是包括政府公務員在內的社會經濟地位較高家庭的幼兒,這也使得公辦園更可能追求以"示范園"為目標的高質量,而非擴大在園幼兒規(guī)模。在當前要求大力發(fā)展普惠性學前教育的政策導向下,地方政府不能再走鼓勵和支持公辦園建設與發(fā)展"示范園"的老路。不僅中央政府應著力引導學前教育普惠性投入方向,而且地方政府應增加公辦園的城鄉(xiāng)覆蓋范圍,逐步將公辦園學位數(shù)供給納入政府考核評價體系,并嘗試創(chuàng)新學前教育投入機制,促進我國學前教育普惠、安全、優(yōu)質發(fā)展。
In the new era,it is of great significance to promote the early childhood education(ECE)to be accessible,affordable,safe and of high quality to satisfy the people's urgent expectation in Childhood Education Sector. In 2003,the Ministry of Education issued a policy to increase the governmental investment in Demonstration Kindergartens. Both central government and local governments have begun to increase investment in preschool education since 2010,but many locally governmental spending in preschool education nowadays still focuses on Demonstration Kindergartens. To empirically explore the relationship between governmental investment and the growth of scale of public kindergartens,according to the availability of data,this paper examines the relation using panel data at county level from 370 counties in Shandong,Zhejiang,Henan,Hunan,Guizhou and Gansu provinces in 2002~2006. The results show that there is a negative correlation between spending in preschool education and the growth of enrollments of public kindergartens. Particularly,the greater the share,the greater the negative effect. This is also a case in counties where there were larger enrollment in public kindergartens,there was a greater negative effect.That is, under the existing government investment model of preschool education, the government 's increased investment in Demonstration Kindergartens does not contribute to expanding the enrollments of public kindergartens,and then this paper explains it under the theoretical analysis framework of "InsidersOutsiders". Therefore,in the context of the shortage of "education for all the children",the government should reform its traditional way of investment in ECE sector. This study has significant policy implications for governmental strategies regarding spending in preschools to achieve the goal of universalization in early childhood education in China.

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