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湖南師范大學(xué)教育科學(xué)學(xué)報 頁數(shù): 6 2019-05-10
摘要: 3歲前后的兒童處于情感、語感和身體動作發(fā)展的敏感期。敏感期主要指某個時期是兒童發(fā)展的最佳時機。如果善待和利用了這個敏感期,兒童的發(fā)展就會順利而成功;如果錯過或破壞了這個敏感期,就會導(dǎo)致教育的失敗,而且,這種失敗往往不可補救或很難補救。有關(guān)敏感期的研究呼喚教育者關(guān)注和重視兒童敏感期的情感教育、語言教育和身體動作教育,而對敏感期的關(guān)注和重視恰恰在于為之提供消極教育而不是積極教育。既要關(guān)注孩子的敏感期,同時又要盡可能為敏感期的兒童提供消極教育。這里似乎存在某種矛盾?;膺@個表面的矛盾的基本途徑是:盡可能為3歲前后的兒童提供自然教育,既不要揠苗助長,同時也不壓制和貽誤孩子的生長速度。
Children around 3 years old are in the critical period of physical,intellectual and emotional development. Another important concept related to critical period is sensitive period. If the critical period mainly refers to the rapid development and high quality of children in a certain period,then the sensitive period mainly refers to a certain period is the best time for children's development. If this sensitive period is well treated and utilized,children's development will be smooth and successful. If this sensitive period is missed or destroyed,it will lead to the failure of education,which is often irreparable or difficult to remedy. Opportunity cannot be lost. Lost will never come again. The research on sensitive period calls for educators to pay attention to the emotional education,language education and physical action education of children in sensitive period. The focus on sensitive period lies in providing negative education rather than positive education.

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