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教師教育研究 頁(yè)數(shù): 7 2019-05-15
摘要: "信念倫理"和"責(zé)任倫理"作為幼兒教師專業(yè)倫理構(gòu)建的兩種基本范型,在不同歷史時(shí)期對(duì)幼兒教師專業(yè)倫理構(gòu)建均有著獨(dú)特而不可替代的價(jià)值與效用。審視當(dāng)前幼兒教育實(shí)踐中以"信念倫理"為主導(dǎo)的幼兒教師專業(yè)倫理可知,理想化的倫理內(nèi)容構(gòu)成,忽略了倫理行為自身的實(shí)踐性;靜態(tài)化的倫理行為歸因,忽視了倫理行為過(guò)程的復(fù)雜性;自律化的倫理評(píng)價(jià)標(biāo)尺,漠視了倫理監(jiān)督主體的他者性。基于此,幼兒教師專業(yè)倫理的雙重構(gòu)建就需要將"信念倫理"與"責(zé)任倫理"相契合,突出倫理規(guī)范的實(shí)踐性,促進(jìn)幼兒教師專業(yè)倫理的內(nèi)生性成長(zhǎng);注重倫理行為的復(fù)雜性,明晰幼兒教師專業(yè)倫理的責(zé)任歸因;強(qiáng)化倫理行為評(píng)價(jià)的他者性,完善幼兒教師專業(yè)倫理責(zé)任監(jiān)督。
"Faith Ethics" and "Responsibility Ethics" are two basic paradigms for the construction of professional ethics of kindergarten teachers. They have unique and irreplaceable value and utility for the construction of kindergarten teachers' professional ethics in different historical periods. Examining the professional ethics of kindergarten teachers under the guidance of"belief ethics"in the current practice of early childhood education,the idealized ethical content constitutes,neglecting the practicality of ethical behavior; the attribution of static ethical behavior,ignoring the complexity of ethical behavior Sexuality; the ethical evaluation scale of self-discipline,ignoring the other nature of behavioral supervision. Based on this,the dual construction of kindergarten teachers' professional ethics needs to combine"belief ethics"with"responsibility ethics": highlight the practicality of ethical norms,promote the endogenous growth of kindergarten teachers' professional ethics; pay attention to the complexity of ethical behaviors,and clarify Responsibility attribution of professional ethics of kindergarten teachers; strengthening the other ethical behavior evaluation,and perfecting the professional ethical responsibility supervision of kindergarten teachers.

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