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廣西民族大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào)(哲學(xué)社會(huì)科學(xué)版) 頁(yè)數(shù): 8 2019-05-15
摘要: 回顧了關(guān)懷倫理學(xué)在社會(huì)福利及政策領(lǐng)域中的多項(xiàng)研究以驗(yàn)證其合理性,再結(jié)合兒童照顧研究領(lǐng)域的實(shí)踐,總結(jié)了關(guān)懷倫理在核心理念上與其他話語(yǔ)體系的不同。倡導(dǎo)從關(guān)懷倫理的內(nèi)在動(dòng)力出發(fā),在日常生活空間中建立互惠性情感關(guān)系,并探討了這一內(nèi)在動(dòng)力所需要的三大核心行為,即生活空間中的日常事件與合理依賴;樹(shù)立愛(ài)與正確的關(guān)系;助他成長(zhǎng)與自我實(shí)現(xiàn)。認(rèn)為兒童早期照顧應(yīng)被認(rèn)為是一種實(shí)踐關(guān)懷倫理的努力,而不是單一理性技術(shù)的教育場(chǎng)所,它需要道德上積極的反思性實(shí)踐和包容的環(huán)境之間做良性的互動(dòng)。只有當(dāng)兒童感受到足夠的關(guān)懷,識(shí)別了包括照顧者在內(nèi)每個(gè)人的相關(guān)性和重要性,才會(huì)更愿意努力參與各類實(shí)踐,使自己和他人幸福。
This paper argues that the ontology meaning cannot be neglected in the early care of children.It is necessary to go beyond the current tools function focus,clarify the broader purposes of care,give the premise to children.In order to achieve this goal,we need to establish a caring relationship between children and caregivers in the common living space according to the internal triangle power of care ethics.This paper compares the different discourse systems of care ethics to others,summarizes some core behaviour in practice area,such as rational dependence in daily life,establishing correct emotional relations in living space and helping others make self-encouragement.The paper concludes that early childhood care should be regarded as a moral positive reflective practice,rather than a single rational technology education place.It needs positive interaction and inclusive environment,otherwise it is difficult to reflect the significance of existence stage task.

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