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外國中小學教育 頁數(shù): 7 2019-06-08
摘要: 英國教育標準局在2019年1月頒布了學前教育督導(dǎo)最新標準的征求意見稿。該文本在督導(dǎo)評估內(nèi)容和方式上體現(xiàn)出較多變化,如強化對課程設(shè)置和實施的要求、對幼兒學習發(fā)展目標的重整、對領(lǐng)導(dǎo)和管理的重新界定等。這些變化突出地體現(xiàn)出學前教育督導(dǎo)評價工作的如下趨勢:強調(diào)幼教機構(gòu)的自主性,將其視為質(zhì)量建設(shè)的主體而非純客體;重視與教育方針政策的銜接,強化督導(dǎo)評估的質(zhì)量控制功能;倚重督學的專業(yè)判斷,重視督學隊伍管理和督導(dǎo)工作質(zhì)量。英國學前教育督導(dǎo)內(nèi)容和方式的上述變化趨勢,對我國正在探索改革的學前教育督導(dǎo)評估以及質(zhì)量評估監(jiān)測體系而言,在督導(dǎo)評估的功能定位、評估內(nèi)容、評估方式上都能提供一定啟示,在這三個方面應(yīng)處理好幼兒園的客體性與主體性的關(guān)系、結(jié)果質(zhì)量與過程性質(zhì)量的關(guān)系、評估指標與評估者的關(guān)系。
OFSTED issued a new handbook of early years inspection on January 2019. In this handbook, it has revised the inspection framework in aspects of curriculum, expectations of children's development and welfare, leadership and management, etc.. The new edition reflects several trends that are taking place in the area of early childhood education evaluation, as can be roughly concluded as such: to increasingly value the autonomy of schools, to emphasize the alignment of current educational policies and regulations, and to relying on evaluators' professional judgments in pursuing robust results while enhancing quality control of evaluation process. These trends can inform the reforming of China's early childhood education inspection system in three aspects: the definition of the role of inspection, the criteria and the methods of evaluation.

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