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教育研究 頁數(shù): 13 2019-05-15
摘要: 現(xiàn)代化邊緣的孩子依然充滿對(duì)長大的渴望,原因在于成人生活的特權(quán)性質(zhì)。隨著現(xiàn)代生活越來越基于一套全新的知識(shí),成人的壓力劇增,現(xiàn)代的童年意識(shí)迅速增長。但人們迄今沒有認(rèn)清這一變化的內(nèi)在意義,因而要么從客觀自然(自然能力、自然環(huán)境與天理良知)的角度來確認(rèn)童年的價(jià)值,要么試圖借助物質(zhì)刺激對(duì)孩子進(jìn)行補(bǔ)償。所有這一切,均視成長為一種不自然的人為過程,完全沒有看到作為一種知識(shí)狀態(tài)的現(xiàn)代生活與作為一種意向狀態(tài)的先驗(yàn)善意的獨(dú)特價(jià)值。但正是由于存在一種無違天性的、樂在其中的成功,成人與兒童在發(fā)展層次上的這樣一種對(duì)立,并沒有將他們完全隔絕。也正是在城市兒童的精神世界中,隱藏著現(xiàn)代教育學(xué)的全部動(dòng)力與奧秘,童年的正確打開方式、教育的真正根基與學(xué)科的最終秘密成了三位一體的事情。當(dāng)然,單純憑借先驗(yàn)的善意還不足以營造一種樂在其中的成長格局,童年的五彩生活只有在一種基于形式善意的新型社會(huì)關(guān)系結(jié)構(gòu)中才能真正成為現(xiàn)實(shí)。
Children at the margins of modernization still long to "grow up," which can be attributed to adults' privileges in their daily life. As modern life has become increasingly based on a new set of knowledge,adults feel more pressure and their modern consciousness of childhood grows dramatically. However,people have so far failed to recognize the intrinsic significance of this change. They either confirm the value of childhood from the perspective of "objective nature"(natural ability,natural conscience,and the natural environment),or try to compensate their children with material rewards. These suggest that "growth" is viewed an unnatural and artificial process,rather than the unique value of modern life as a state of knowledge and the "transcendental goodwill" as a state of intention. However,it is just due to the natural "enjoyable success" that the contradiction between adults and children in their development does not completely isolate them from each other,and it is in the spiritual world of urban children that all the dynamics and mysteries of modern pedagogy are hidden. Thus,the trinity of the proper way to "open" childhood,the genuine foundation of education,and the "ultimate mystery of a specialized subject" comes into being. Of course,an enjoyable pattern of growth cannot be created merely by "transcendental goodwill," and the colorful life in childhood can come true only in a new type of social relationship based on "goodwill in form."

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