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中國特殊教育 頁數(shù): 7 2019-05-15
摘要: 選取武漢市三所康復(fù)中心的37名4~6歲學前聽障兒童作為實驗被試,采用視頻/語音—圖片匹配范式探討了認知風格、視聽條件、語言級別在學前聽障兒童語言理解中的作用。結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn),場獨立型學前聽障兒童語言理解正確率顯著高于場依存型;視聽條件對學前聽障兒童的語言理解具有顯著影響,視聽條件下的語言理解正確率顯著高于單一聽覺條件、單一視覺條件,且單一聽覺條件下語言理解正確率顯著高于單一視覺條件;學前聽障兒童理解不同級別語言的正確率差異顯著,詞語理解正確率最高,其次為語句、漢字。這些結(jié)果表明,學前聽障兒童語言理解能力受個體認知風格、視聽條件及語言級別的顯著影響。
This study, by using the video/speech-picture matching paradigm to test 37 hearing-impaired preschool children aged 4-6 from 3 rehabilitation centers in Wuhan City, aims to explore the effects of the cognitive style, audio-visual conditions and linguistic levels on hearing-impaired preschool children's understanding of audio-visual language. The results show the following: The field-independent hearing-impaired preschool children scored significantly higher than their field-dependent counterparts in their correct understanding of language; the audio-visual conditions had a significant effect on their understanding of language; the children scored significantly higher in their correct understanding of language under audio-visual conditions than under merely auditory or visual conditions; and they scored significantly higher in their correct understanding of language under auditory conditions than under visual conditions; and they showed a significant difference in their correct understanding of different levels of language, with their correct understanding of Chinese phrases at the highest level, followed by their correct understanding of Chinese sentences and single Chinese words. These results indicate that hearing-impaired preschool children's language comprehension is significantly affected by the individual cognitive style, audio-visual conditions and linguistic levels.

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