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行政管理改革 頁(yè)數(shù): 7 2019-06-20
摘要: 貧困農(nóng)村學(xué)前教育是當(dāng)前我國(guó)教育發(fā)展中的短板,也是未來(lái)學(xué)前教育攻堅(jiān)的難點(diǎn)。以中部國(guó)家級(jí)貧困縣W縣41所鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)幼兒園為典型案例的調(diào)查研究表明,貧困地區(qū)農(nóng)村學(xué)前教育發(fā)展面臨的困境主要表現(xiàn)為:政府管理缺位;幼兒園布局不合理,園所間惡性競(jìng)爭(zhēng)嚴(yán)重;學(xué)前教育經(jīng)費(fèi)匱乏,幼兒園運(yùn)營(yíng)困難;辦園條件普遍較差,大班額問(wèn)題突出;專業(yè)教師嚴(yán)重不足,流動(dòng)性大;學(xué)前留守兒童教育缺乏關(guān)注。需明確各級(jí)政府職責(zé),加強(qiáng)頂層設(shè)計(jì),合理調(diào)整園所布局,多渠道增加貧困農(nóng)村學(xué)前教育投入,通過(guò)調(diào)整激勵(lì)措施優(yōu)化農(nóng)村幼兒園特別是民辦園的師資隊(duì)伍,多方合力關(guān)愛(ài)學(xué)前留守兒童。
At present, preschool education in rural areas has become a short board in the development of education, and it is also a difficult issue in the development of preschool education in the future. An in-depth investigation on 41 township kindergartens in W county of central China, a national poverty county, shows that the development of preschool education in rural areas is facing many problems. The main manifestations are: the lack of management; theunreasonable layout of kindergartens and the vicious competition between the kindergartens; the lack of funds for preschool education in rural areas and the difficulty in operating kindergartens; the poor conditions for running kindergartens andthe problem of large classes; the shortage of professional teachers and high mobility; and a lack of attention in preschool education for left-behind children.Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the responsibilities ofgovernments, strengthen top-level design, adjust the layout of the kindergartens appropriately,increase the investment in preschool education of poor rural areas through multiple channels,optimize the quality of rural kindergarten teachers especially teacher quality in private kindergarten by adjusting incentives,and cooperate together to care for the preschool left-behind children.

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