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當(dāng)代教育論壇 頁數(shù): 10 2019-06-06
摘要: 因為與農(nóng)村學(xué)前教育之間的利益關(guān)涉,國家、村落、兒童成為了農(nóng)村學(xué)前教育發(fā)展中的主要價值主體。在當(dāng)前農(nóng)村學(xué)前教育逐步普及化背景下,農(nóng)村學(xué)前教育發(fā)展價值主體的價值取向同一化明顯:國家統(tǒng)一教化遮蔽農(nóng)村兒童個體社會化、主流文化推廣遮蔽村落文明傳承、間接認(rèn)識遮蔽農(nóng)村兒童情境性感知。同一化的結(jié)果埋下了農(nóng)村兒童的未來生存困境、加劇了村落傳統(tǒng)文化的生存危機(jī)、助長了農(nóng)村學(xué)前教育小學(xué)化的蔓延。因此,以鄉(xiāng)村振興戰(zhàn)略核心理念為指導(dǎo),在培養(yǎng)社會主義國民關(guān)鍵素養(yǎng)前提下給予農(nóng)村學(xué)前教育發(fā)展空間、在重視社會主義核心價值觀前提下形成農(nóng)村學(xué)前教育發(fā)展特色、在推崇"自然"游戲前提下把守農(nóng)村學(xué)前教育發(fā)展底線等,應(yīng)是農(nóng)村學(xué)前教育發(fā)展價值主體的價值取向融合策略。
Because of the interest relationship with rural preschool education, the country, villages and children have become the main value subjects in the development of rural preschool education. Under the background of the gradual popularization of rural preschool education, the value orientation of the subject of preschool education development in rural areas is obviously identical: the unified education of the state covers the individual socialization of rural children, the popularization of mainstream culture covers the inheritance of village civilization, and indirect understanding covers the situational awareness of rural children. The result of assimilation buried the future survival dilemma of rural children, aggravated the survival crisis of traditional village culture, and promoted the spread of rural preschool education in primary schools. Therefore, guided by the core concept of the strategy of rural revitalization, under the premise of cultivating the key qualities of socialist citizens, we should give rural preschool education development space, form the characteristics of rural preschool education development under the premise of paying attention to the socialist core values, and guard the bottom line of rural preschool education development under the premise of advocating the "natural" game. It should be the integration strategy of value orientation of the value subject of rural preschool education development.

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