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圖書館建設(shè) 頁數(shù): 8 2019-04-15 11:45
摘要: 美國公共圖書館在學(xué)前教育方面的研究與實踐一直走在國際前列,通過分析納什維爾公共圖書館持續(xù)進行的Bringing Books to Life (BBTL)計劃,探討其在學(xué)前教育中面向不同服務(wù)對象提供的服務(wù)內(nèi)容與服務(wù)特點,結(jié)合目前我國圖書館學(xué)前教育的不足,給出相應(yīng)建議:完善兒童館員培養(yǎng)體系;豐富館藏資源建設(shè)與館設(shè)布局;以圖書館為媒介,形成"幼兒園—圖書館—家庭"一體化;有效聯(lián)合社會機構(gòu)與公益組織,定期舉辦中華優(yōu)秀傳統(tǒng)文化活動等。
The research and practice of preschool education in American public libraries have always been the leader of the world. Bringing Books to Life(BBTL) is a preschool literacy program created by the Nashville Public Library together with early childhood educators. The content and characteristics of preschool education for different service objects are studied to propose suggestions based on current status and shortcomings of preschool education in China. The suggestions include: improving professional librarian training system, enriching collections and library space; forming a connection of kindergarten-library-home; and developing excellent Chinese traditional cultural programs with social situations and non-profit organizations.

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