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江蘇高教 頁數(shù): 6 2019-12-05
摘要: "反思性實踐者"作為"卓越未來教師"的核心品質,是學前教師教育重要的培養(yǎng)目標。解構反思性實踐者的內涵特征,探討培養(yǎng)反思性實踐者的難題與路徑,成為當下學前教師教育研究熱點。構建"三型課堂體系",課堂教學、校園文化與社會實踐循序滲透,應成為新時期學前教師教育全程、全員、全方位育人的時代特征與實踐路徑。
As the core quality of outstanding future teachers, "reflective practitioners" is an important training goal of preschool teacher education. To deconstruct the characteristics of reflective practitioners and explore the problems and paths of cultivating reflective practitioners has become a central issue in preschool teacher education research. The construction of the "three-type classroom system", that is, classroom teaching, campus culture and social practice interpenetrate in proper order, should become the characteristics and practice path of an all-round preschool teacher education that involves the whole process and the whole staff in the new era.

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