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中國圖書館學(xué)報 頁數(shù): 11 2019-11-25 08:52
摘要: 嬰幼兒閱讀推廣活動作為關(guān)注孩子全面健康成長且融入多種閱讀元素的早期參與式互動教育活動,注重培養(yǎng)并強化孩子學(xué)前讀寫的基本技能??紤]到當(dāng)前的使用習(xí)慣和家長在孩子生活中的重要作用,0—3歲嬰幼兒及其父母共同成為嬰幼兒閱讀推廣活動的受眾。美國公共圖書館鼓勵家長每天跟嬰幼兒進行一起說、一起唱、一起讀、一起寫和一起玩的簡單互動,并針對新生兒、嬰兒、學(xué)步兒童/低幼兒童和幼兒等不同年齡段的孩子,開展不同形式的親子閱讀活動。縱觀幾個在美國覆蓋面較為廣泛的嬰幼兒閱讀活動項目,主要涉及多元智能理論、情緒智力與社會智力理論、孩子必備的七種生活技能、"腳手架"理論、認(rèn)知發(fā)展論模式、主動學(xué)習(xí)教育法、有目的的玩兒、科學(xué)實驗理論及聆聽、喜歡、學(xué)習(xí)法等。建議充分發(fā)揮國內(nèi)公共圖書館作為嬰幼兒閱讀推廣活動最重要機構(gòu)的作用,將常規(guī)性的嬰幼兒親子閱讀推廣活動項目納入其中,培養(yǎng)并加強全社會從小閱讀的習(xí)慣。參考文獻37。
Reading should start from the birth of a baby. American society emphasizes the importance of reading to babies and toddlers since it lays a good foundation for their future reading and study. At the same time,the leading role of public libraries is also strengthened in reaching such goals in the United States. The reading programs towards babies and toddlers are participatory and interactive educational activities embodied with various reading elements,aiming at improving children's comprehensive and healthy development in their early stage. The reading programs focus on cultivating and strengthening children's early development of literacy skills,enlarging their syllables and vocabularies as much as possible,and preparing them for their preschool,kindergarten and school life in the future. Considering the current usage,parents' vital roles in raising and cultivating children's reading and learning habits,parents,as well as their children aged 0 to3,should be the audiences of babies and toddlers' reading programs. Thus,American public libraries encourage parents to do simple interactive activities with their children every day,such as parent-child talking,singing,reading,writing and playing together. In addition,parent-child reading activities vary in forms and contents and are designed based on children's different features with different ages,and the different age children cover from newborns,infants/babies,toddlers to young children. All the children can enjoy their reading activities and cultivate life-long learning interests. There are several babies and toddlers' reading programs widely carried out in the United States. Some common parts have been involved in all these interactive activities,such as repetition,ritual,a fun and positive environment,play,movement,music,etc. These programs have fully absorbed some core theories in the fields of psychology,social science,education,art and others,and cultivated and strengthened children 's basic preschool literacy skills. The core theories are the theory of multiple intelligences,theories of emotional and social intelligence,seven essential life skills every child needs,scaffolding,schemas and cognitivism,active learning,purposeful play,scientific experimentation,the listen,like,learn,etc. In order to promote babies and toddlers' reading programs and cultivate everyone's reading habits gradually in China,public libraries should be the most important institution,and play an important role in designing,organizing and carrying out the parent-child reading activities regularly,and recommend related resources to the parents.Other initiatives,such as exploring more and pertinent programs for babies and toddlers,helping parents launch the parent-child reading activities are effective in promoting babies and toddlers' reading programs and realizing children's comprehensive development in China. 37 refs.

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