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統(tǒng)計與決策 頁數(shù): 5 2019-04-10 17:32
摘要: 對于多屬性決策問題,文章結合現(xiàn)實群決策過程,定義了標準化區(qū)間猶豫模糊語言數(shù)以及區(qū)間猶豫模糊語言數(shù)向量的概念,修正了已有文獻中區(qū)間猶豫模糊語言數(shù)的得分函數(shù)和精確函數(shù)計算公式。在此基礎上,構建了區(qū)間猶豫模糊語言數(shù)向量之間的距離測度,并運用多屬性決策中常用的TOPSIS方法思想,建立了基于區(qū)間猶豫模糊語言評價的多屬性決策模型,簡化了現(xiàn)有文獻中構建PA聚合算子的決策計算過程。通過對現(xiàn)有文獻中同一問題及其數(shù)據(jù)的計算,驗證了方法的有效性和可行性。
For the problems concerning multi-attribute decision-making, this paper combines with the realistic group decision making process to define the concept of standardized interval-valued hesitation fuzzy linguistic number and interval-valued hesitation fuzzy linguistic number vector(IVHFLNV), and then corrects the scoring function and exact function formula of interval-valued hesitation fuzzy linguistic number in the existing literature. On this basis is constructed the distance measure between IVHFLNVs. The TOPSIS method commonly used in multi-attribute decision making, is applied to establish a multi-attribute decision making model based on interval-valued hesitation fuzzy language evaluation so as to simplify the decision-making process of constructing PA aggregation operator in the existing literature. Finally the paper verifies the validity and feasibility of the method by calculating the same problem and its data in the existing literature.

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